

字词 格兰特(Iain Hamilton Grant)

格兰特(Iain Hamilton Grant)【英】

Iain Hamilton Grant


[1] Bryant, L., N. Srnicek and G. Harman. The Speculative Turn: Continental Materialism and Realism[C]. Melbourne: re.press, 2011.
[2] Iain Hamilton Grant.via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iain_Hamilton_Grant


梅亚苏(Quentin Meillassoux)与哈曼(Graham Harman)、格兰特(Iain HamiltonGrant)、布拉西耶(Ray Brassier)四位年轻的思想家结成的一个致力于新唯物主义的团体,他们称之为思辨实在论(speculative realism)或思辨唯物主义(speculative materialism)(21世纪以来国外马克思主义几个前沿问题.via:http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?src=3&timestamp=1483325793&ver=1&signature=OQg-YXggFP1wWVGFEqcQ*Dz5UKGRsLE*XRKrCofPGdNfHenN5GWvmtQ2bgtxq5CW2FyXNtjECg8aCLdDen9xVJ7JGX13Ju7Fz4gZfKSUji0i7d-HG3SGzYdb3I49tFfFCVIMns7hpYRjAmt14moHylyJcHX5nbNVG7ij5FyOcfA=)。




1. 2006年初,昆汀·梅亚苏的《有限性之后》出版,受此启发,思辨实在论的第一次活动于2007年4月在伦敦的金史密斯学院举行。最初的小组成员包括雷·布拉希耶、伊恩·汉密尔顿·格兰特、哈曼和梅亚苏。——《生产(第十辑):迈向思辨实在论》(电子版),2015.

1. Inspired by the publication of Quentin Meillassoux’s Après la finitude (After Finitude) in early 2006, the first Speculative Realism event was held in April 2007 at Goldsmiths College, London. The original group included Ray Brassier, Iain Hamilton Grant, Harman, and Meillassoux. -Quoted from The Speculative Turn: Continental Materialism and Realism, 2011: 2.

2. 与之形成鲜明对比的是伊恩·汉密尔顿·格兰特对谢林的自然哲学的回归,其目的是建立能够为科学提供本体论基础的超验自然主义。格兰特完全抓住了康德的批判转向的含义,即使是在有建设性地对其进行反驳时,试图推动超验论断超越其唯理论倾向,以便与存在于所有感知产物之下的纯粹‘生产力’的未知领域相连接。正是在这些深渊之中,产生了自然、心灵、社会、文化。格兰特还旨在为当代科学提供统一的形而上学基础。——《生产(第十辑):迈向思辨实在论》(电子版),2015.

2. A stark contrast is provided by Iain Hamilton Grant’s return to the nature philosophy of Schelling, which aims to construct a transcendental naturalism capable of providing an ontological foundation for science. Grappling fully with the implications of Kant’s critical turn even while constructively opposing it, Grant tries to move the transcendental project beyond its idealist tendencies so as to connect it with a dark and rumbling field of pure ‘productivity’ lying beneath all phenomenal products. It is from these very depths that nature, mind, society, and culture are all produced. Grant also aims to provide a consistent metaphysical foundation for contemporary science. -Quoted from The Speculative Turn: Continental Materialism and Realism, 2011: 7.

3. 在论文《论客体的贬损》(On the Undermining of Objects)中,格拉汉姆·哈曼为当今哲学中客体的重要性进行了全面辩护。通过阅读焦尔达诺·布鲁诺(Giordano Bruno),这篇文章考察了他的思辨实在论同仁伊恩·汉密尔顿·格兰特的作品,认为布鲁诺和格兰特的观点中存在着共同的困境。——《生产(第十辑):迈向思辨实在论》(电子版),2015.

3. In his essay On the Undermining of Objects, Graham Harman mounts a full-fledged defence of the importance of objects for present-day philosophy. He examines the work of his Speculative Realist colleague Iain Hamilton Grant by way of a reading of Giordano Bruno, arguing that shared difficulties are found in the positions of Brunoand Grant. -Quoted from The Speculative Turn: Continental Materialism and Realism, 2011: 8-9.





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