

字词 村民自治


self-governance for villagers


Report on the Work of the Government, 2005. via: http://www.gov.cn/english/official/2005-07/29/content_18351.htm






1. 2004 年,他在浙江推广武义县在村支部、村委会之外设立“村务监督委员会”的经验,建立了村级权力的制衡机制,实现了看得见摸得着的村务监督。村民自治在共建共享中推进,基层民主不再是抽象的概念,而成为农村生活常态,融入农民日常生活,对基层民主建设的实现形式进行了积极探索和成功实践。按照老百姓的话说,“ 这个机制简单得很,就是能让我们看着村干部,不让他们乱来。”2010 年,全国人大常委会修改了村民委员会组织法,明确规定“村应当建立村务监督委员会或者其他形式的村务监督机构”。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:434-435

1. In 2004, under Xi's leadership, Zhejiang made an attempt to improve community-level democracy. Villages set up special committees to supervise the village Party committees and administrative committees on public affairs, a move that was welcomed by the public. Village supervision committees, which sprang from the Zhejiang model, were later introduced in an amendment to the Organic Law of Villagers’ Committees in 2010 by the NPC Standing Committee, the top Chinese legislature. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 485.

2. 积极推进基层民主建设,进一步健全村务公开和村民自治制度,继续完善城市社区居民自治和基层管理体制。高度重视政府法制工作。——《2005年政府工作报告》

2. Democracy at lower levels of government was vigorously expanded, the system for making village affairs more transparent and the system of self-governance for villagers were strengthened, and the system of self-governance of communities and management at the primary level in urban areas was further improved. The government attached great importance to legislation. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2005.


例句 1:
People's conciliation originates from traditional folk conciliation with both interior and exterior nature. The fact that self-governance among villagers hasn't been truly realized brought about more complex situation during the transitional period of the rural areas and failed to provide a favorable institutional surroundings for the existence and development of people's conciliation. 

例句 2:
天津市武清区在村民自治的实践探索中创建了以农村党组织为领导核心,村民代表会议为权力中枢,村民委员会为执行机构的村民自治体制,并在民主选举、民主决策、民主管理、民主监督的各个环节都实现了运行机制的创新,解决了目前村民自治过程中存在的一些带有普遍性的问题,探索出一条具有特色的村民自治有效途径。——“发展基层民主 实践村民自治——天津市武清区基层民主政治建设的探索”,载于《天津师范大学学报(社会科学版)》2009年第3期
Through practice exploration of self-governance among villagers, Wu Qing District inTianjin founded the system of self-governance among villagers where they take rural area Party organizations as leading core, authority centre is representative of villagers convention and implement mechanism is the village committee. It realized the innovation of operational mechanism at many aspects such as democratic election, democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision, solved some universal pro





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