

字词 存在的形式


forms of being; forms of existence


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence &Wishart, 1987: 33-34.
[2] Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics [M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1968: 188.




[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.
[2] 许俊达.马克思主义经典文本解读新编[M].安徽大学出版社,2010.


1. 逻辑模式只能涉及思维形式;但是这里所谈的只是存在的形式,外部世界的形式,而思维永远不能从自身中,而只能从外部世界中汲取和引出这些形式。这样一来,全部关系都颠倒了:原则不是研究的出发点,而是它的最终结果;这些原则不是被应用于自然界和人类历史,而是从它们中抽象出来的;不是自然界和人类去适应原则,而是原则只有在适合于自然界和历史的情况下才是正确的。这是对事物的唯一唯物主义的观点,而杜林先生的相反的观点是唯心主义的,它把事情完全头足倒置了,从思想中,从世界形成之前就永恒地存在于某个地方的模式、方案或范畴中,来构造现实世界,这完全象一个叫做黑格尔的人。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:38

1. Logical schemata can only relate to forms of thought; but what we are dealing with here is solely forms of being, of the external world, and these forms can never be created and derived by thought out of itself, but only from the external world. But with this the whole relationship is inverted: the principles are not the starting-point of the investigation, but its final result; they are not applied to nature and human history, but abstracted from them; it is not nature and the realm of man which conform to these principles, but the principles are only valid in so far as they are in conformity with nature and history. That is the only materialist conception of the matter, and Herr Dühring's contrary conception is idealistic, makes things stand completely on their heads, and fashions the real world out of ideas, out of schemata, schemes or categories existing some where before the world, from eternity—just like a Hegel. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 33-34.

2. 只有历史的辩证法才造成了一种全新的情况。这不但是由于在历史的辩证注中,界限本身鼓是相对的,或者说得更确切些,是在变动之中的;这不仅是由子所有那些存在的形式(它们的抽象的对应物是各种形式的绝对)都变成了过程,和被把握为具体的历史的现象,以致于绝对不是被抽象地否定,而是被把握为具有具体的历史的形态,被把握为过程本身的环节;而且更是由于历史的过程是独一无二的,是辩证地前进的,是辩证地后退的,因此它就是不断地争取达到真理的更高段段,就是不断地争取达到人的(社会的)自我认识的更高阶段。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:278

2. Only the dialectics of history can create a radically new situation. This is not only because it relativises all limits, or better, because it puts them in a state of aux-Nor is it just because all those forms of existence that constitute the counterpart of the absolute are dissolved into processes and viewed as concrete manifestations of history so that the absolute is not so much denied as endowed with its concrete historical shape and treated as an aspect of process itself. But.in addition to these factors, it is also true that the historical process is something unique and its dialectical advances and reverses are an incessant struggle to reach higher stages of the truth and of the (societal) self-knowledge of man. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectic, 1971: 188.


例句 1:
Being, as the abstract nature of being, should rather be interpreted as the form or structure of being.

例句 2:
Casting off judicial syllogism means casting off the modal foundation which judicial judgement reckons on. 

例句 3:





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