

字词 李比希


Justus Freiherr von Liebig


[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001: 803.
[2] Justus von Liebig. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justus_von_Liebig


尤斯图斯·冯·李比希(Justus von Liebig,1803—1873),德国化学家。他最重要的贡献在于农业和生物化学,他创立了有机化学,因此被称为“有机化学之父”。李比希1803年5月12日生于德国达姆斯塔特一个经营药物、染料及化学试剂的小商人家庭,自幼就接触到化学实验。1818年他曾当药剂师的学徒,1820年在波恩大学学习,后进入埃尔兰根大学并于1822年取得博士学位。1824年,李比希从法国回到德国之后,他立志要对德国的科学教育和科学研究进行一次革命性的变革。在他看来,首先应当改变大学科学教育中没有系统的教学大纲和教育方法的局面,他开始利用自己的所学编制化学教学大纲。1826年,李比希建立了世界上第一个公共性质的大学化学实验室——吉森大学化学实验室,标志着现代实验组织和教育相结合的开端。1840年,李比希当选为英国皇家学会会员。从1845年开始,李比希着手进行化学肥料的实验研究,制成“李比希专利肥料”,经过多次改进之后,于1850年研制出能用于增加土壤肥力的可溶性化学肥料,并促使德国建立起化学肥料工业。除此之外,李比希还利用所发现的银镜反应,发明了新的镜面制造技术,并且成功地将其应用于工业生产,取代了对生产者有危险的镀汞技术(邢润川,闫莉,2003:859-864)。李比希一生共发表了318篇化学和其他科学的论文,主要著作有《有机物分析》、《生物化学》、《化学通信》、《化学研究》、《农业化学基础》、《关于近世农业之科学信件》等。




1. 杜马、普莱费尔、法拉第、李比希至今还天真地坚持这样的意见:氧是无臭无味的气体。然而格律恩先生知道,一切酸性的东西都是会刺激舌头的,所以在第75页上宣布“氧”是“有刺激性的”。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四卷)》,1958:247

1. Dumas, Playfair, Faraday and Liebig have hitherto innocently subscribed to the view that oxygen is a gas which has neither taste nor smell. Herr Grün, however, who of course knows that the prefix “oxy-” means sharp to the taste, declares on p. 75 that “oxygen” is “sharp-tasting”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1976: 251.

2. 如果说,活的蛋白质如同其余的碳化物那样地永恒,那末,它不但必须不断地分解为它的各个元素(这一点是显而易见的),而且必须不断地从这些元素中重新并且无需原有蛋白质的帮助而产生出来,——而这和李比希所得到的结果恰恰相反。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:644

2. If living protein is eternal in the same sense as other carbon compounds, then it must not only continually be dissolved into its elements, as is well known to happen, but it must also continually be produced anew from the elements and without the collaboration of previously existing protein—and that is the exact opposite of the result at which Liebig arrives. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 577.

3. 另一个事实是,恩格斯曾把他生命中最后二十年大部分时间用来钻研自然科学。恩格斯写道:自1870年退出商界以后,“我尽可能地使自己在数学和自然科学方面来一次彻底的——像李比希(Liebig)所说的——‘脱毛’。八年当中,我把大部分时间用在这上面。”——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:8

3. There was also the fact that Engels devoted a considerable portion of his time during the last two decades of his life to the study of natural science. After Engels retired from business in 1870, “I went through as complete as possible a ‘moulting’, as Herr Liebig calls it, in mathematics and the natural sciences, and spent the best part of eight years on it.” -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 10.


例句 1:
In view of this, the paper decides to have studies on “ecological imperialism” as the theme. It’s based on the relevant theories of Liebig, Marx, Engels and other previous scholars, and has a detailed discussion and description on the concept, historical origin and process of development, root of generating, main expressions and other content of “ecological imperialism”, and also does some innovative studies. Moreover, the paper reveals the “imperialism” nature of developed countries and the global ecology disasters and serious results it creates.

例句 2:
Marx Engels's ecological philosophy is a product of the early industrial capitalism, and the Epicurean, Hagel, Feuerbach and Anderson, Li Bixi, Darwin have certain theoretical origin.

例句 3:
Furthermore, this thesis deals with the relationship among Marx’s thoery on eco-system, hegelian dialectics, Feuerbach's materialism, Liebig’s metabolism theory and D





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