

字词 有闲阶级


idle class; leisure class


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 11) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1979: 459.
[2] 约翰·伊特韦尔.新帕尔格雷夫经济学大辞典(第三卷)[Z].经济科学出版社,1996:175.


制度经济学派的主要代表人物凡勃伦(Thorstein B Veblen)的代表作《有闲阶级论:关于制度的经济研究》问世后,有闲阶级逐渐流行起来。凡勃伦认为,有闲阶级产生很早,是与私有制的产生相一致的。社会中有闲阶级作为一个永久的阶层存在有两个条件:(1)社会是掠夺性社会;(2)生活资料在一定程度上可以容易得到,这样一部分人就可以脱离日常的劳动。有闲阶级的价值标准与劳动阶层是不一样的,有闲阶级以自己不劳动为荣,有闲阶级实际是财富和权力的所有者,在资本主义社会就是资本家,资本家占有企业,经营企业,追求商业利润,技术人员则是操作机器,管理生产过程,但受制于资本家。凡勃伦认为有闲阶级的存在是不合理的,成为发展的阻碍。但是由现状过渡到合理社会的方法上,凡勃伦与马克思的无产阶级革命的观点是不同的,他认为这个过程遵循达尔文的进化论规律,因为技术人员的重要性随着生产技术的进步而日益增大,他们不仅能联合对付资本家,而且也有必要这样做,假如技术人员做到了这一点,那么,他们只要普遍怠工或罢工,就足以使整个经济体系瘫痪,从而迫使企业资本家作出让步。虽然凡勃伦的理论基于达尔文的进化论,他所坚持的也是进化的社会主义,但在某种程度上,特别是凡勃伦晚年著作中表现了接近于激烈的手段结束旧的社会体制的观点。在探讨人的解放问题上,凡勃伦与其他人类学家一样被迫也成为了一个社会主义者。他对私有制以及对有闲阶级的分析将它向这一方向推动了一大步(刘伟,1994:264)。




1. 高谈“改善劳动阶级的状况的措施”(Massregeln zur Hebungder arbeitenden Klassen)已成了德国各邦政府和德国慈善家们的习惯。而迪斯累里先生的预算案则可以毫不夸张地称之为一系列“改善有闲阶级的状况的措施”。可是,就像这类措施在我们的德国各邦政府和慈善家们那里总是成为一种不折不扣的江湖骗术一样,英国财政大臣目前为了有闲阶级的利益而想出来的这个计划也纯粹是一场欺骗,他指望用这种欺骗来促使农场主更加心甘情愿地缴纳现行的高额地租,而答应他们表面上减轻他们的税负;迪斯累里只有借助于某种显然带有真正掠夺城市居民的性质的措施,才有可能用这种幻想来愚弄他们。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第八卷)》,1961: 539

1. It is customary with German Governments and German philanthropists to talk of “measures for the elevation of the laboring classes”. (Massregeln zur Hebung der arbeitenden Klassen) Now, Mr. Disraeli's budget might not improperly be called a series of "measures for the elevation of the idle classes." However, as in the case of our German Governments and philanthropists, such measures have regularly turned out mere shams, so also the plan at present contemplated by the English Chancellor of the Exchequer for the benefit of the idle classes is a plain humbug, intended to induce the farmers the more readily to pay their actual high rents, by holding out to them an apparent reduction of their burdens, a delusion which he can only practice upon them by some evident real defraudation of the town population. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 11), 1979: 459.


例句 1:
Veblen carefully studied in his Theory of the Leisure Class the consumer culture of the leisure class, whose consumption life is consistantly under the guidance of leisure standards and the principle of honor and whose consumer culture is mainly embodied in identity construction and aesthetic appeal, both of which are built on the basis of apparent consumption and obvious leisure.

例句 2:
By analyzing the leisure characters and their leisure activities in Austen’ s works with the aid of leisure theory, we could find that the leisure activities of“leisure class” have two characteristics of “conspicuous leisure” and “conspicuous consumption”.

例句 3:
The Theory of the Leisure Class written by Thorstein B. Veblen was published in 1899. After more than one hundred years, it has become a kind of quotidian social phenomenon that one takes a leisurely life and ha





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