

字词 宗教裁判所


the Inquisition


[1] Inquisition. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inquisition
[2] 宗教裁判所.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=gGJX_OGzcxbd1OxKZyJEEtdYK5foUi1tAuZr9xNLegDboOgBlWHxxPut6utGiIrllBxOGbo3XDUUsXhVxWf9_gSbNoIpP0McA6Pd_11Vt_3cgn5fk19Fv1DEvmVOzaK-jKab_hHNLHxWZ4LGNqTec_


即“异端裁判所”(卓新平,2008:518)。宗教裁判所是l3—19世纪天主教会侦察和审判异端的机构,它是教会为维护独断信仰、整肃和迫害异端而设立的。教会有权判定什么是异端邪说,借以钳制人民的思想。判断是非真理的标准操纵于教会之手,助长了教会在思想文化领域垄断和专制的气焰。宗教裁判所严刑逼供、制造冤狱的恐怖手段,造成了人与人之间互相猜疑,使得诬陷诽谤和告密成风。它煽起教徒对妇女的偏见和民族(血统)歧视,在天主教和整个欧洲历史留下了难以磨灭的罪恶(青少年万有书系编写组,2014:164)。又译罗马宗教裁判所、审判伽利略异端裁判所、宗教法庭。旨在镇压一切反教会、反封建的异端,以及有异端思想或同情异端的人。宗教裁判所是从13世纪上半叶建立的。教皇英诺森三世为镇压法国南部阿尔比派异端,曾建立教会的侦查和审判机构,是为宗教裁判所的发端(高强等,2012:78)。宗教裁判所一般设在修道院内,审讯秘密进行。宗教裁判所制订的审讯条例:有两人作证,控告便能成立。证人如果撤回证词,就按异端同谋犯处理。被告如不认罪,可用刑。被告不仅自己认罪,还须检举同案犯和异端嫌疑犯, 为异端辩护者应受惩罚。被告认罪之后,如果翻案,按异端处理。被判为异端者,没收其全部财产。宗教裁判所前后共经历约500年。西班牙宗教裁判所历时较久,凶残恐怖较著,不仅用来镇压异端,并用来迫害阿拉伯人和犹太人(高强等,2012:79)。


[1] 卓新平.基督教小辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2008.
[2] 青少年万有书系编写组.世界历史(金卷)[M].辽宁少年儿童出版社,2014.
[3] 高强,胡晓松.西洋文化简史[M].中国民主法制出版社,2012.


1. 值得注意的是,新教徒在迫害自然科学的自由研究上超过了天主教徒。塞尔维特正要发现血液循环过程的时候,加尔文便烧死了他,而且还活活地把他烤了两个钟头;而宗教裁判所只是把乔尔丹诺·布鲁诺简单地烧死便心满意足了。自然科学当时也在普遍的革命中发展着,而且它本身就是彻底革命的;它还得为争取自己的生存权利而斗争。同现代哲学从之开始的意大利伟大人物一起,自然科学把它的殉道者送上了火刑场和宗教裁判所的牢狱。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:94-95

1. And it is characteristic that Protestants outdid Catholics in persecuting the free investigation of nature. Calvin had Servetus burnt at the stake when the latter was on the point of discovering the circulation of the blood, and indeed he kept him roasting alive during two hours; for the Inquisition at least it sufficed to have Giordano Bruno simply burnt alive. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 320.

2. 工人一感觉到这一点,自己就会愿意而且十分愿意有所反应,就会今天咒骂书报检查官,明天在镇压农民骚乱的省长官邸前游行示威,后天惩治那些干着神圣的宗教裁判所勾当的身穿法衣的宪兵,如此等等。——《列宁全集(第六卷)》,1986:68

2. Feeling that, he himself will be filled with an irresistible desire to react, and he will know how to hoot the censors one day, on another day to demonstrate outside the house of a governor who has brutally suppressed a peasant uprising, on still another day to teach a lesson to the gendarmes in surplices who are doing the work of the Holy Inquisition, etc. - Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1977: 414.

3. 只有彻底实现这些要求,才能结束以往那种可耻的、可诅咒的现象、教会农奴般地依赖于国家,而俄国公民又农奴般地依赖于国家教会,中世纪的宗教裁判所的法律(这种法律至今还列在我国的刑法和刑事法规中)仍然存在,并且仍然有效,这种法律追究人是否有信仰,摧残人的良心,把官位和俸禄同布施某种国家教会劣质酒联系起来。——《列宁全集(第十二卷)》,1987:132

3. Only the complete fulfilment of these demands can put an end to the shameful and accursed past when the church lived in feudal dependence on the established church, when medieval, inquisitorial laws (to this day remaining in our criminal codes and on our statute-books) were in existence and were applied, persecuting men for their belief or disbelief, violating men’s consciences, and linking cosy government-derived incomes with the dispensation of this or that dope by the established church. - Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 10), 1977: 84-85.


例句 1:
In China, the Inquisition is criticized as the symbol of darkness, benightedness, mercilessness and the restrictions of thought.

例句 2:
正文部分第一章,主要阐述犹太人在西班牙的历史境况。着重阐述 14 世纪开始的一系列宗教会议所规定的限制犹太人的宗教条款;出现的反犹骚动、排犹事件,其中包括黑暗的宗教裁判所和 1492 年对西班牙犹太人的彻底驱逐。——《1492年西班牙驱逐犹太人述析》,东北师范大学硕士学位论文,2011
The first chapter of main body elaborated the history circumstance of Jews in Spain:  Jews were under restriction in the provisions which were established by a series of religious meeting, there appeared some anti-Semitic riots in society (the dark Inquisition and Spanish Jewish Diaspora in 1492).

例句 3:
The middle ages mainly revolve the cooperation and battle by “the royal power” and “the church power” in Germany. This is also the gradual process for German to be Christian. The preliminary royal power is powerful (compares with power of church)
and united the church for the battle and the rule, With the power of the church's growth, which exposed by various of features in the Inquisitio





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