

字词 詹姆逊(詹明信)


Fredric Jameson


[1] Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Routledge, 2001: 88.
[2] 弗雷德里克·詹姆逊.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=GU-p2lxS_Kk37v2tidnS3pCd9CECXqUKcTx-1Cb8AJsDQrg1_C-6Hn-uK7a5s8wjZkg_KSRIdm9hxLdlKQb_Ma






1. 在1938年布洛赫写下上述那些话数十年后,我们仍然处于“晚期资本主义社会”(例如,詹姆逊把后现代主义视为“晚期资本主义的文化逻辑”)之中,这一事实必定让我们停下脚步,思考那种总体性的性质和我们以拙劣的机械形式操控它的能力。“晚期”一词让人觉得资本主义的末日即将到来,但是在数代人的努力之后,这似乎像是一厢情愿—— 一种内在于经典马克思主义的虚假意识。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:137

1. The fact that we are still officially in ‘late capitalist society’ several decades after Bloch wrote the above in 1938 (with Jameson treating postmodernism as ‘the cultural logic of late capitalism’, for example), must give some pause for thought as to the nature of that totality and our ability to manipulate it in any crudely mechanical fashion. ‘Late’ gives the impression that capitalism’s demise is imminent, but after several generations of effort that can seem like wishful thinking—a false consciousness internal to classical Marxism. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 88.

2. 后结构主义与后现代主义遭到了不同马克思主义思想家的攻击;詹姆逊或许是英语世界中最著名的攻击者。对詹姆逊来说,后现代主义是“晚期资本主义的文化逻辑”;尽管他对在后现代主义名义下出现的艺术作品相当情,但是他不那么相信后现代主义作为一般文化理论的价值,“后现代主义并不是一个全新社会秩序的文化导……而是资本主义本身另一次系统修正的反映和产物”。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:70-71

2. Post-structuralism and postmodernism have come under attack from various Marxist thinkers; perhaps most notably in the English-speaking world from Fredric Jameson. To Jameson, postmodernism is ‘the cultural logic of late capitalism’, and although he is relatively enthusiastic about the works of art that appear under the name of postmodernism, he is less convinced by its value as a general cultural theory: ‘postmodernism is not the cultural dominant of a wholly new social order…but only the reflex and the concomitant of yet another systemic modification of capitalism itself.’ -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 45.

3. 就其本身而言,后现代主义与其说是一种理论,不如说是一系列症候。詹姆逊认为,从文化上来说我们正处于过渡状态,并且后现代主义是我们对那种他几乎没有什么热情的状况的反应,“然而,我们自己仍处于低谷之中,谁都不能确定我们在那里会呆多久”。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:71

3. Postmodernism is to be regarded more as a set of symptoms than a theory as such. Jameson sees us as being in a transitional state, culturally speaking, and postmodernism as part of our reaction to a condition for which he can muster little enthusiasm: ‘we ourselves are still in the trough, however, and no one can say how long we still stay there.’ -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 45.


例句 1:
As the most famous representative of Marxism in North America Jameson strongly believes that traditional Marxism still has important significance when west thought field experienced rigorous turbulence. He analyzes literature and culture phenomenon from economic foundation and superstructure according to Marxism basic principle. This dissertation is composed of four chapters: chapter one is an effort to construct Hegelian Marxism Hermeneutics framework; chapter two and three are the clarification of literature criticism and culture explanation under the Marxian Hermeneutics background; chapter four attempts to explore Jameson Marxian Hermeneutics Aesthetics significance and limitation, meanwhile it brings up Marxism practice Aesthetics to fit China contemporary society.

例句 2:
弗雷德里克·詹姆逊(Fredric Jameson)1934年生于美国,1959年获耶鲁大学法语博士学位,1976年成为耶鲁大学教授,现任美国杜克大学教授。詹姆逊视野开阔,在诸多领域建树颇丰,因其具有的重要社会影响和学术影响而被誉为“引导了美国人文学科的方向”。——《詹姆逊政治无意识研究》,重庆师范大学硕士学位论文,2009
Born in America in 1934, Fredric Jameson received doctor's degree of French in Yale University in





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