

字词 前景论(又作配景论)










1. 最终,整个过程以武装冲突而告终。“在敌对利益的激烈冲突中,资本巨头的专政最终将转化为无产阶级的专政。”因此,资本主义制度的崩溃,并不是由于纯经济上的原因,而是由于帝国主义战争开辟了革命的前景。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:61

1. Finally, the whole process tended to end in armed conflict: ‘in the violent conflict of hostile interests the dictatorship of the magnates of capital finally turns into the dictatorship of the proletariat’. Thus the capitalist system would not collapse for strictly economic reasons but because of the revolutionary prospect opened up by imperialist wars. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 66.

2. 乍看起来,俄国不像是最有革命前景的国家。19世纪中叶的俄国一直是反动的代名词,基本上仍处于中世纪状态。即使在1861年废除农奴制以后,俄国也还是一个不发达的农业社会。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:65

2. At first sight, Russia would not seem the most promising land for revolution. In the mid-nineteenth century Russia had been a by-word for reaction and was still basically medieval; and even after the emancipation of the serfs in 1861, Russia continued to be an underdeveloped agrarian society. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 71.

3. 托洛茨基对于社会主义在一国胜利的看法,由于受到斯大林的讽刺与丑化,显得有些模糊不清。斯大林把他的一国社会主义理论同托洛茨基的不断革命论对立起来,把不断革命论说成是对苏联内部前景悲观而倚重于不可靠的国外冒险活动。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:126

3. Trotsky’s views on Socialism in One Country are somewhat obscure as they were caricatured by Stalin, who counterposed his doctrine of Socialism in One Country to Trotsky’s doctrine of Permanent Revolution and portrayed Permanent Revolution as pessimistic about the internal possibilities in the Soviet Union and putting more emphasis on unreliable adventures abroad. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 135.


例句 1:
一方面,本文提供了在翻译过程中辨别前景化现象的方法;另一方面,通过分析例子提出了一些应对源语言中的前景化表达的翻译方法。——《前景化理论及其在小说翻译中的应用——以David Copperfield的翻译为例》,天津商业大学硕士学位论文,2014
On the one hand, this thesis provides the way to recognize foregrounding phenomena in the source text in translation; on the other hand, it puts forward some relevant method as reference for translators so as to deal with such foregrounding expressions in the original.

例句 2:
The fourth part, solution of the prize-winning invoice model based on the prospect theory. I use the software Matlab to solve mathematical model of the prize-winning invoices, obtain the optimal rewards, the optimal probability and the optimal winning prize.

例句 3:
The article in the fourth has examined the comparison of prospect on science and technology. While technology in the negative, Marcuse also thought the technology was the final power that urged the humanity to move the free liberation, giving the technology full affirmation; thus Marcuse would portray one with the hope writing style to





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