

字词 李嘉图学派


The Ricardians


Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 121.




[1] 李蓉,刘吉成.李嘉图学派的解体与马克思的劳动价值论[J].郧阳师范高等专科学校学报,2008(3).
[2] 晏智杰.李嘉图学派的解体及其教训[J].北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2000(6).


1. 在我们看来,李嘉图学派极力主张以积累劳动代替资本——这种说法在斯密那里已经出现——只有这种意义:国民经济学愈是承认劳动是财富的唯一原理,工人就愈是被贬低、就愈是贫困,劳动本身就愈是成为商品。——这是国民经济学这门科学中的必然的理论公理,正像是现在社会生活中的真理一样。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:167

1. In my opinion, the strong Ricardian advocacy of replacing capital with accumulated labor — a view that already appeared with Smith — can mean only one thing: the more that the national economists recognize that labor is the only source of wealth, the more workers become debased and impoverished and labor itself becomes a commodity. This is a necessary theoretical axiom in the field of national economics, just as if it were a truth of modern social life. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 121-122.

2. “穆勒——完全和李嘉图学派一样——犯了这样的错误:在表述抽象规律的时候忽视了这种规律的变化或不断扬弃,而抽象规律正是通过变化和不断扬弃才得以实现的。”马克思说明了在资产阶级社会生产过程中,生产费用与价值之间的决定关系、需求与供给之间经常处于波动之中的现实运动,这其实是一种十分错综复杂的矛盾性运动过程,在资产阶级经济学家用抽象的公式表述这种现实时,都只能坠入现实运动的偶然性和片面性的陷阱中。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:177

2. Marx writes that “in expressing abstract laws, Mill—just like the Ricardians—makes the mistake of ignoring the changes and continual transcendence of these laws, though it is in change and transcendence that abstract laws are realized.” Marx explains the constant fluctuation of the determining relation between cost of production and price, as well as between supply and demand in the production process of bourgeois society. This is, in fact, an extremely complex and contradictory interaction. As such, the abstract equations used by bourgeois economists to explain this interaction are revealed to be inadequate to explain the contingencies inherent in the actual economy. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014:129-130.

3. 但是在英国,知识分子作出最大努力的方面也许在经济学。自1960年斯拉法(Sraffa)的《用商品生产商品》出版以来,人们感受到的是,这是对马克思作出的强有力的新李嘉图学派式解释。该派作者着重研究的是交换和流通领域,而不是生产领域,由此,他们抛弃了价值理论,并试图用纯量的要素,如生产价格和市场价格,来阐发出马克思的思想。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:327

3. But perhaps the field where there has been the most extended intellectual effort in Britain has been economics. Since the publication in 1960 of Sraffa's The Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities, a strong neo-Ricardian interpretation of Marx has made itself felt. Concentrating on the sphere of exchange and circulation rather than production, these writers reject value theory and attempt to set out Marxist ideas in terms of simply quantitative elements such as prices of production and market prices. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 340


例句 1:

例句 2:
In this part, we review the theoretical and empirical research on macroeconomic effects of debts and government expenditure. Based on theoretical research, the chapter comprehensively reviews and compares the arguments of Keynesian, Monetarism, Neoclassical, Ricardian economics from the relationship between national debts and consumption, that between national debts and private investment and output, that between government expenditure and output and that between government expenditure and private consumption and savings, and clarifies the track of the related research, providing solid theoretical foundation for further empirical research.

例句 3:





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