

字词 解构主义




[1] Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 364.
[2] 程志民,江怡.当代西方哲学新词典.吉林人民出版社,2004.via:




[1] 解构.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=LbbTHy21c-DgHOE-sl-8YJw3-X4RSklfhdlHSLWJ1AgxVuvaBeW5BYsm4h8OuvVocIJmD04fq99_H7Vro7kT-K
[2] 解构主义.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=mgsrQa7ze8rKvzNT3M0-oowJdvicOFdKWuAwdOxmiA0pUq2uCg4BUt7S332QVsC978Nb1krhKemc8E5quS8IRK


1. 在这本解构的教科书中,统一性概念遭到了怀疑,所追求的反而是多样性和悖论概念。按照在这些问题上的解构主义思路,话语现象不存在任何中心,因而统一性是一种幻象:中心从来没有完整地出现过;始终部分地出现在其他地方,决不可能从它的完整性来理解它。—— 《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:21

1. In textbook deconstructive style, the concept of unity is called into question, and diversity, even paradox, pursued instead. To follow the deconstructionist line of thought on such issues, there is no centre to discursive phenomena, therefore unity is an illusion: the centre is never wholly present; always partly somewhere else; never graspable in its entirety. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 13.

2. 由于预先想到了德里达关于马克思是“复数的”(《马克思的幽灵》)的主张,我们这里提出了一个假设,即马克思主义的持续相关性取决于它不存在那种统一性,取决于它激发出多种解释的能力。对一个解构主义者而言,这不过是说出显而易见的事实:就语言符号的断裂性质而言,文本除了带来多重的解释还能够做什么呢?然而,对一个经典的马克思主义者来说,这就是追求异端邪说。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:20

2. Prefiguring Derrida’s insistence on Marx as ‘plural’ (Specters of Marx), we have here the hypothesis that Marxism’s continuing relevance depends on its very lack of unity, its capacity to inspire multiple interpretations. To a deconstructionist this is no more than stating the obvious: given the fractured nature of the linguistic sign, what else can texts do but invite multiple interpretation? To a classical Marxist, however, this is to court heresy. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 13.

3. 不过需要注意的是,并不像某些论者误认的那样,《马克思的幽灵》一书并不是德里达“从解构主义转向马克思主义”的标志。德里达从来就不是一个马克思主义者,即使是其晚年向马克思“表示敬意”的时候。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:275

3. It should be noted that Specters of Marx does not imply Derrida's conversion from deconstruction to Marxism, as is claimed by some critics. Derrida was never a Marxist, even if he “saluted” Marx in his later years. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 364.


例句 1:
As one of the important ideologies of postmodernism, deconstructionism provides people with another way of thinking. However, since the theory of deconstructionism is hard to comprehend, it is often mistreated by people with the attitudes of doubts and negativity.

例句 2:
Deconstruction is a post-structuralism trend of thought which inaugurated in the late 1960s in France.

例句 3:
Deconstruction has involved itself in constant disputes since its occurrence in the latter half of 20th century. However, its influence has also been extended in both the disputes between deconstructionists and those against it and even the disputes within deconstructionists.





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