字词 | 新经济政策 |
释义 | 新经济政策【英】New Economic Policy (during 1921-1936 in the Soviet Russia)译文来源New Economic Policy. via:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Economic_Policy 定义新经济政策是指1921年苏联由国内战争转变到和平建设时期所实行的经济政策。新经济政策因区别于1918年至1920年实行的“战时共产主义”政策而得名。这个政策是列宁在《论粮食税》一文中提出的,主要指导思想是因为俄国生产力和科学技术发展水平相对落后,所以不能采取直接的办法径直走向共产主义,而必须从实际国情出发,采取间接的办法过渡到社会主义。当时主要的经济措施有:“用粮食税代替余粮征集制,农民缴税后的剩余粮食可以自由出卖;发展商业,在一定程度内允许自由贸易和私商存在;以租让、租赁等国家资本主义形式,把某些国有企业租给外国资本家或私人经营;在国有企业内实行经济核算制,等等”(余源培,2004)。列宁指出:“应当把商品交换提到首要地位,把它作为新经济政策的主要杠杆。如果不在工业和农业之前实行系统的商品交换或产品交换,无产阶级和农民就不可能建立正常的关系,就不可能在从资本主义到社会主义的过渡时期建立十分巩固的经济联盟”(列宁,1986:327)。邓小平也指出说:“社会主义究竟是个什么样子,苏联搞了很多年,也并没有完全搞清楚。可能列宁的思路比较好,搞了个新经济政策,但是后来苏联的模式僵化了”(邓小平,1993:139)。可以说,新经济政策主要是列宁探索小农占优势的落后国家如何建设社会主义的策略,具有重要意义。 定义来源[1] 余源培.邓小平理论辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2004. 例句1. 可是,在1929年中期,苏联资本投资的拨款突然增加了5倍之多,并且作出了实行大规模农业集体化的决定。这一壮举只有一个团结的党才能实现,而在此以前的两年中,布尔什维克党内部还发生了最后一次大辩论。这次辩论是在以下两派间展开的:一派主张,在新经济政策的原则基础上发展苏联经济,其主要代表人物是布哈林;另一派主张,绝对优先增加工业生产,这就是斯大林的方针——当然,要证明这个方针有多偏激,尚待慢慢显露。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:135 1. But in the middle of 1929 the appropriation of the capital investment was suddenly increased by as much as five times and the decision taken to go for mass collectivisation of agriculture. This mammoth effort could only be achieved by a united Party and the two years preceding were occupied by the last great debate in the Bolshevik Party between those who advocated a development of the Soviet economy based on the principles of the New Economic Policy, whose leading spokesman was Bukharin, and those who put absolute priority on increasing industrial production, the policy of Stalin, although how extreme it would prove to be only became clear very slowly. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 144. 2. 持续了7年的新经济政策是从1921年3月开始的,当时用一定份额的实物税取代了余粮征收制,使农民能保留其一定数量的剩余产品。这又导致取消自由贸易的限制和恢复工农业之间的市场关系。实行了一定数量的非国有化,但仅限于小企业;工业则按托拉斯组织起来,并享有有限的市场独立性。1921年11月,国家银行重新开放,硬通货政策被采纳,到1923年卢布稳定下来。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:120 2. The NEP, which was to last seven years, began in March 1921 when the requisitioning system was replaced by a tax in kind which enabled the peasants to keep a fixed share of their surplus. This in turn led to the abolition of restrictions on free trade and the restoration of market relations between agriculture and industry. There was a certain amount of denationalisation, but only of small-scale enterprises, and industry was organised in trusts enjoying a limited market independence. In November 1921 the state bank was reopened, hard currency policies adopted, and the rouble stabilised in 1923. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 128-129. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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