字词 | 中央集权 |
释义 | 中央集权【英】centralisation (of power); political centralisation译文来源[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 10) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1977: 401. 定义中央集权是相对与地方分权而言,其特点是地方政府在政治、经济、军事等方面没有独立性,必须严格服从中央政府的命令,一切受控与中央。专制主义中央集权制度,是我国封建社会的基本政治制度。是指君主掌握国家最高权力,并通过军政官僚机关管理、控制国家的政体。包括皇帝制、官像政治和中央集权等方面,其基本特征是皇权至高无上和不可分割,皇权不可转让,皇位实行世袭,君尊臣卑等。皇权愈来愈尊,臣民愈来愈卑,是古代专制主义中央集权发展的总趋势。君主专制必然实行中央集权,但中央集权不一定要实行君主专制。随着社会的发展,君主专制必然被淘汰,而中央将继续存在。当前世界上法国等国家都实行中央集权的行政管理体制,但都不是君主专制体制。中央集权制度有利于多民族封建国家的建立、巩固和发展,利于维护祖国统一与领土完整;能有效地组织人力、物力和财力从事大规模的生产活动和经济建设,利于社会经济的发展;而且在统一的环境下,利于各民族的融合,利于各地区的经济文化交流。但也存在一些弊端,如皇权专制极易形成暴政、腐败现象,是阻碍历史发展的因素;在思想上表现为独尊一家,箝制了思想。在封建社会末期,阻碍了新兴的资本主义生产关系萌芽的发展。(中央集权.via: 定义来源中央集权.via: 例句1. 当时英法两国工商业的成长促使整个国家中各种利益联成一气,因而促成政治上的中央集权;在德国,这个过程却只是环绕着一些地方中心按照省区归并成许多利益集团,因而只是促成政治上的分离。紧跟着又因德国被排挤出世界贸易之外,于是这种分崩离析状态很快就巩固下来了。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第七卷)》,1959:387-388 1. While in England and France the rise of commerce and industry had the effect of intertwining the interests of the entire country and thereby brought about political centralisation, Germany had not got any further than grouping interests by provinces, around merely local centers, which led to political division, a division that was soon made all the more final by Germany’s exclusion from world commerce. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 10), 1978: 401. 2. 阿多诺进而批评资产阶级社会,但是,我们从《否定的辩证法》中获得的理解并不认为,我们已然了解的辩证哲学为我们提供了克服那种社会形式的工具。在它的共产主义官方形式中,它从阿多诺那里获得的只是嘲笑。阿多诺认为,苏联帝国的政治实践无可救药,因为在那里卢森堡警惕的中央集权已然实现。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:126 2. Adorno continues to be critical of bourgeois society, but we emerge from Negative Dialectics with no sense that dialectical philosophy as we have known it provides us with the tools to overcome that form of society. In its official form as communism, it reaps only scorn from Adorno, who sees no salvation in the political practices of the Soviet empire, where the centralisation that Luxemburg warned against has come to pass. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2014: 81. 3. 决定性的斗争已经临近了。它只能在法国爆发;因为在英国没有参加革命战斗而德国仍然四分五裂的时候,法国由于国家的独立、文明和中央集权,是唯一能够给周围各国以有力推动的国家。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第八卷)》,1961:62 3. The decisive action drew near. It could be fought in France only; for France, as long as England took no part in the revolutionary strife, or as Germany remained divided, was, by its national independence, civilization and centralization, the only country to impart the impulse of a mighty convulsion to the surrounding countries. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 11), 1979: 51. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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