

字词 均衡论


theory of equilibrium; equilibrium theory


[1]   金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:700.
[2] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 139.


在哲学语境中,均衡论是一种把事物发展的相对平衡绝对化,否认各种矛盾和矛盾各方面之间力量的不平衡性的形而上学的哲学观点。其代表人物有19世纪法国实证主义者孔德和19世纪英国资产阶级哲学家斯宾塞。均衡论者把牛顿的机械运动观和均衡律搬用于一切自然界和人类社会。均衡论主张事物的发展不是由内部的矛盾引起的,而是由外部的因素决定的(均衡论.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v8016027.htm?fromTitle=%E5%9D%87%E8%A1%A1%E8%AE%BA);把相对静止,暂时平衡绝对化,认为均衡、静止、渐变是无条件的、永恒的、正常的,而不均衡、运动、质变则是反常的。在政治上,阶级调和,否认阶级斗争,否认社会革命。唯物辩证法不是反对任何平衡,而是反对均衡论,在承认两点论的同时,承认重点论,并且认为事物的平衡是暂时的、相对的,而不平衡是经常的、绝对的。事物就是这样由平衡转到不平衡,再从新的平衡到新的不平衡而不断运动发展的。(刘佩弦,2988:339-340)。


[1] 刘佩弦.马克思主义与当代辞典[Z].中国人民大学出版社,1988.第339-340页.
[2] 均衡论.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v8016027.htm?fromTitle=%E5%9D%87%E8%A1%A1%E8%AE%BA


1. 第二,他们相信,一切运动都是外在的、外来的。每一事物都是一个统一体,并无内部矛盾。布哈林说过,运动是从外面产生的,并且提出均衡论来解释各种联系。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:130

1. They believed, secondly, that all motion was external, from without. Each thing was a unity and had no internal contradictions. Bukharin said that motion came from without and advanced an equilibrium theory to explain relationships. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 139.

2. 马克思主义的社会科学家运用了像博弈论和普通均衡论等新经济学中所采纳过的方法论。通过一种严格意义上的方法论个人主义框架,埃尔斯特(Elster)和罗默(Roemer)的著作特地对马克思进行了重新解读。他们认为,为了解释社会现象,有必要表明理性的个体能够自由地选择行为方式,其行为所造成的是有待解释的现象。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:349

2. Marxist social scientists applied methods employed in neo-economics such as game theory and general equilibrium theory. The work of Elster and Roemer in particular reinterpreted Marx through the framework of a strict methodological individualism, and held that to explain social phenomena it was necessary to show that rational individuals would freely choose to behave in ways that would result in the phenomena to be explained. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 363.


例句 1:
The luck views in the Equilibrium Theory of Virtue, the Rational Supremacy and the Empirical School respectively represent the three theoretical manifestations of moral luck view in the history of Western ethical thought.

例句 2:
There is no value foundation in modern general equilibrium theory of western mainstream economics. An effort trying to develop Marxist theory of general equilibrium has not succeeded too. 

例句 3:
In order to study the changes of China’s specific public policy process, identify the certain factors of public policy in different stages, this article uses the punctuated-equilibrium theory which is a mianstream policy that usually used to study the policy change drives, comprehensive takes the methods such as interview, questionnaire survey, and historical literature analysis, detailed investigates and generalizes the Lanzhou city taxi policy at d





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