

字词 基本养老保险


basic old-age insurance system


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 91.


基本养老保险,亦称国家基本养老保险,是国家根据法律、法规的规定,强制建立和实施的一种社会保险制度。在这一制度下,用人单位和劳动者必须依法缴纳养老保险费,在劳动者达到国家规定的退休年龄或因其他原因而退出劳动岗位后,社会保险经办机构依法向其支付养老金等待遇,从而保障其基本生活。基本养老保险,既是现代社会养老保险的基础,也是现代社会保障制度和体系的重要组成部分(鞠秋锦,2004:1),它与失业保险、基本医疗保险、工伤保险、生育保险等共同构成现代社会保险制度,并且是社会保险制度中最重要的险种之一。在我国,90年代之前,企业职工实行的是单一的养老保险制度。1991年,《国务院关于企业职工养老保险制度改革的决定》中明确提出:“随着经济的发展,逐步建立起基本养老保险与企业补充养老保险和职工个人储蓄性养老保险相结合的制度”。从此,我国逐步建立起多层次的养老保险体系。在这种多层次养老保险体系中,基本养老保险可称为第一层次,也是最高层次。社会统筹与个人账户相结合的基本养老保险制度是我国在世界上首创的一种新型的基本养老保险制度。这个制度在基本养老保险基金的筹集上采用传统型的基本养老保险费用的筹集模式,即由国家、单位和个人共同负担;基本养老保险基金实行社会互济;在基本养老金的计发上采用结构式的计发办法,强调个人帐户养老金的激励因素和劳动贡献差别。因此,该制度既吸收了传统型的养老保险制度的优点,又借鉴了个人帐户模式的长处;既体现了传统意义上的社会保险的社会互济、分散风险、保障性强的特点,又强调了职工的自我保障意识和激励机制(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=0PDtDCkMsW4lHERFCH7KGPiQF-rSGK0Dyi0tHdIuxTubowBtrOrpUwLvBDyaytY9GnYqiAK1Igx1dTCQFLk2e_)。


[1] 鞠秋锦.中国基本养老保险的公平问题研究[D].东北财经大学硕士学位论文,2004.
[2] via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=0PDtDCkMsW4lHERFCH7KGPiQF-rSGK0Dyi0tHdIuxTubowBtrOrpUwLvBDyaytY9GnYqiAK1Igx1dTCQFLk2e_.


1. 主要是保障农民工同工同酬,保障农民公平分享土地增值收益;完善农业保险制度;鼓励社会资本投向农村建设,允许企业和社会组织在农村兴办各类事业。统筹城乡义务教育资源均衡配置,整合城乡居民基本养老保险制度、基本医疗保险制度,推进城乡最低生活保障制度统筹发展,稳步推进城镇基本公共服务常住人口全覆盖,把进城落户农民完全纳入城镇住房和社会保障体系。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:81-82

1. We will ensure migrant workers receive equal pay for equal work, and ensure farmers equally share the gains from added value of land; improve the agricultural insurance system; encourage investment in rural development, and permit enterprises and social organizations to start all kinds of undertakings in rural areas; make a balanced allocation of compulsory education resources between urban and rural areas, integrate the basic old-age insurance and health-care insurance systems of urban and rural residents, and improve the balanced development of the minimum living allowance system in both urban and rural areas; and steadily make basic urban public services available to all permanent residents in cities, and incorporate farmers who have settled down in urban areas into the urban housing and social security network. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 91.


例句 1:
Basic pension system is the key point of social security and the success or the failure of basic pension system will influence both political stability and economic development. 

例句 2:
There are some problems been exposed during the development of pension insurance system, especially the difficulty of regional transfer and continuation of basic pension insurance has been caused widespread concern.

例句 3:
The goal that the nation establishes basic old-age insurance is to make the senior survive and realize the social fairness and justice; the goal that the nation carries out socialist market economy is to create fair competition environment for enterprises and the social mechanism of efficient disposition of labor force.





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