字词 | 封建制度 |
释义 | 封建制度【英】feudal system; feudalism译文来源[1] Medieval Life – Feudalism and the Feudal System.via: http://www.historyonthenet.com/medieval-life-feudalism-feudal-system/ 定义隶制以封建地主占有土地,剥削农民(或农奴)的剩余劳动为基础的社会制度。在奴度瓦解基础上产生。封建地主阶级和农民阶级之间的矛盾构成封建社会中的基本矛盾。封建地主阶级占有最大部分的土地,而农民则完全没有或只有少量土地,不得不耕种地主的土地,不同程度地依附于地主阶级,并受其残酷剥削和压迫。封建剥削制度的主要方式是收取地租(实物地租、劳役地租或货币地租)。同奴隶相比,封建制度下的农民有一定程度的人身自由,有自己的生产工具或有少量土地,因而对生产有一定兴趣,关心收成的好坏,有利于促进生产力的发展。封建社会的政治上层建筑是以等级制为主要特征的封建制国家。国王或皇帝具有至高无上的权力,通过分封而建立具有严格等级制的封建官僚制度。以维护封建剥削和封建等级制,宣扬封建伦理道德为特征的封建地主阶级思想是封建社会中占统治地位的意识形态。在中国主要是儒家思想;在西欧主要是基督教的神学。地主阶级对农民的残酷剥削和压迫,迫使农民进行反抗和斗争。历史上无数次农民起义和农民战争,打击了封建社会的基础,推动着封建社会向前发展。在封建社会末期,随着生产力和商品经济的发展,出现了资本主义萌芽和新的阶级:资产阶级和无产阶级。最后经过资产阶级革命,封建制度被资本主义制度所取代。西欧的封建制度,从公元476年西罗马帝国灭亡到18世纪,约存在了13个世纪。中国的封建社会,从春秋战国之交算起存在了2000多年。1840年鸦片战争后,中国逐步沦为半封建、半殖民地社会。中国人民经过长达一百多年的斗争,终于在中国共产党领导下推翻了帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义统治。在中华人民共和国成立以后,除台湾以外,经过全国规模的群众性的土地改革运动,彻底消灭了封建剥削制度。(封建制度.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900007777032&d=D51FBFA70F88157FC6361579FCD9E959)。 定义来源封建制度.via: 例句1. 第三种形式是封建的或等级的所有制。古代的起点是城市及其狭小的领地。而中世纪的起点则是乡村。地广人稀,居住分散,而征服者的入侵也没有使人口大量增加,这种情况决定了起点作这样的转移。因此,与希腊和罗马相反,封建制度的发展是在一个宽广得多的地盘上开始的,而这个地盘是由罗马的征服以及起初与此有关的农业的普及所准备好了的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1956:27 1. The third form is feudal or estate property. If antiquity started out from the town and its small territory, the Middle Ages started out from the country. This different starting-point was determined by the sparseness of the population at that time, which was scattered over a large area and which received no large increases from the conquerors. In contrast to Greece and Rome, feudal development, therefore, begins over a much wider territory, prepared by the Roman conquests and the spread of agriculture at first associated with them. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 34. 2. 第三,西斯蒙第由此也必然反对斯密等人的自由放任,进而直接否定市民社会本身。当然,西斯蒙第并非主张一种简单的倒退的历史观,他实际上也能客观地看到历史本身一定的进步。他曾经将奴隶制度、封建制度和资产阶级社会的“自由制度”放置于人类社会历史的发展进程中,因为它们“每一种都先后被看作是成功的发明创造,是文明的进步”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:93 2. The third aspect of Sismondi’s argument is his opposition to Smith’s concept of laissez-faire and his ensuing condemnation of civil society itself. Of course, what Sismondi was suggesting was not simply a regressive view of history; he was able to objectively see a certain amount of progress in historical development. He placed the “liberal institutions” of salary, feudalism, and bourgeois society on successively higher planes in the developmental progression of humankind, because, as he writes in Studies on Political Economy, they “were each regarded in turn as successful creations, the progress of civilization.” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 60. 3. 中国则不同。中国的特点是:不是一个独立的民主的国家,而是一个半殖民地的半封建的国家;在内部没有民主制度,而受封建制度压迫;在外部没有民族独立,而受帝国主义压迫。因此,无议会可以利用,无组织工人举行罢工的合法权利。在这里,共产党的任务,基本地不是经过长期合法斗争以进入起义和战争,也不是先占城市后取乡村,而是走相反的道路。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》, 1965:542 3. China is different however. The characteristics of China are that she is not independent and democratic but semi-colonial and semi-feudal, that internally she has no democracy but is under feudal oppression and that in her external relations she has no national independence but is oppressed by imperialism. It follows that we have no parliament to make use of and no legal right to organize the workers to strike. Basically, the task of the Communist Party here is not to go through a long period of legal struggle before launching insurrection and war, and not to seize the big cities first and then occupy the countryside, but the reverse. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 220. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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