

字词 封建土地所有制


feudal system of land ownership; feudal landed property


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 05) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987
[2] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014


封建土地所有制产生于奴隶社会末期,是以封建地主占有土地、剥削农民的剩余劳动为基础的一种生产资料私有制,是人类历史上继奴隶占有制之后的第二个人剥削人的私有制,封建土地所有制是封建生产关系的基础。(封建土地所有制.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900006136239&d=53C3AE21EFC8BEF5AB4A8917012B36FF)其特点是:封建地主阶级占有基本生产资料(土地),不完全占有直接生产者(农民或农奴);封建地主将占有的土地出租给(或分给)农民耕种,农民耕种地主的土地,世代被束缚在小块土地上,对地主阶级有不同程度的人身依附关系,受地主阶级超经济剥削和压迫;地主凭借对土地的占有权向农民收取地租,包括劳役地租、实物地租和货币地租三种基本形式。(封建土地所有制.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900005769737&d=4E92F9F1AAB24D43D9825611E514754F)不同国家、不同时期,封建土地所有制的形式也有所不同,如欧洲中世纪的一些国家,主要是不同等级的封建领主土地所有制,赐封的领地由领主世袭,却不能自由买卖;中国封建社会初期也出现过封建领主土地所有制,但主要还是封建地主土地所有制,允许土地的自由买卖和兼并。(许祟德等,1995:167)“封建土地所有制比奴隶占有制进步,农民有了一定程度的人身自由,还有自己的生产工具,劳动好坏、收成多少与自身利益直接相联系。因此,农民对生产有了一定的兴趣,从而促进了社会生产力的发展。但随着社会生产力和商品经济的发展,封建土地所有制就起了严重的阻碍作用,它必然要为新的所有制所代替。按照历史发展的一般规律,封建土地所有制必然被资本主义私有制代替”。(封建土地所有制.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900006435723&d=F6EB723E7C862B456FA028C9D1C476BE)


[1] 封建土地所有制.via:
[2] 封建土地所有制.via:
[3] 许祟德.中华法学大辞典:宪法学卷[Z].中国检察出版社,1995.
[4] 封建土地所有制.via:


1. 美洲和东印度航路的发现扩大了交往,从而使工场手工业和整个生产的发展有了巨大的高涨。从那里输入的新产品,特别是投入流通的大量金银(它们根本改变了阶级之问的相互关系,沉重地打击了封建土地所有制和劳动者),冒险的远征,殖民地的开拓,首先是当时市场已经可能扩大为而且规模愈来愈大地扩大为世界市场,所有这一切产生了历史发展的一个新阶段,关于这个阶段的一般特征我们不准备在这里多谈。新发现的土地的殖民地化,助长了各国之间的商业斗争,因而使这种斗争变得更加广泛和更加残酷了。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1956:64

1. Manufacture and the movement of production in general received an enormous impetus through the extension of intercourse which came with the discovery of America and the sea-route to the East Indies. The new products imported thence, particularly the masses of gold and silver which came into circulation, had totally changed the position of the classes towards one another, dealing a hard blow to feudal landed property and to the workers; the expeditions of adventurers, colonization, and above all the extension of markets into a world market, which had now become possible and was daily becoming more and more a fact, called forth a new phase of historical development, into which in general we need not here enter further. Through the colonization of the newly discovered countries the commercial struggle of the nations against one another was given new fuel and accordingly greater extension and animosity. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 69.

2. 当市民等级、同业公会等等起来反对土地贵族的时候,它们的生存条件,即在其与封建体系割断联系以前就潜在地存在着的动产和手艺,看起来是一种与封建土地所有制相对立的积极的东西,因此不久以后也具有了一种封建形式。无论如何,逃亡农奴认为他们先前的农奴地位对他们的个性来说是某种偶然的东西。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1956:86

2. When the estate of the urban burghers, the corporations, etc., emerged in opposition to the landed nobility, their condition of existence-movable property and craft lahour, which had already existed latently before their separation from the feudal institutions-appeared as something positive, which was asserted against feudal landed property, and, therefore, in its own way at first took on a feudal form. Certainly the fugitive serfs treated their previous servitude as something extraneous to their personality. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 79.

3. 当然,在《神圣家族》中,马克思也有他自觉意识到的东西,那就是他反对和批判唯心主义的方式不像费尔巴哈那样,只是为了从异化的意识(宗教和思辨)回到同样异化的实物现实。从更深一层来看,此时马克思也已经不仅仅是为了通过改变普鲁士的封建土地所有制,从而确立英法式的资产阶级社会的民主主义革命目标。马克思和恩格斯已经自觉而明确地将唯物主义的思想革命与社会主义的现实革命结合在一起。我们过去的研究当然也认识到这一点,可是马克思究竟将什么唯物主义与社会主义结合起来?这种结合应该如何科学地评价?——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:310

3. There is, of course, content in The Holy Family that Marx consciously recognized. This that his opposition to and criticism of idealism was not like that of Feuerbach, who only returned from estranged consciousness (religion and speculation) to equally estranged material reality. On a deeper level, Marx at this time was no longer simply interested in reforming Prussia’s feudal system of land ownership by accomplishing the democratic revolutionary goals of British and French bourgeois society. Marx and Engels had already consciously and specifically combined the philosophical revolution of materialism with the actual revolution of socialism. Past research has, of course, already made this observation, though it fails to specify what kind of materialism was combined with socialism. It also fails to tell us how, scientifically, we should appraise this combination. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 211-212.


例句 1:
The second part mainly narrated the policy of land by Communist Party. Obviously, the purpose of Communist Party was to abolish feudalism land tenure. The main point was to carry Agrarian Revolution.

例句 2:
But the Han Dynasty enfeoffs the system is the establishment above the feudalism land ownership foundation is “the division territory” enfeoffing.

例句 3:
Over the past years, it has long been acknowledged by academic scholars in China that the defects of the Provisional Constitution of Republic of China lie mainly in irresolute anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism, the indeterminate abolition of the feudal ownership of land, and etc.





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