

字词 封建社会


feudal society


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987:96.


封建社会指封建制生产方式占统治地位的社会,也就是以封建地主占有土地,剥削农民剩余劳动为基础的社会,封建社会是人类历史上继奴隶社会之后出现的第二个人剥削人的阶级社会。它是在奴隶社会瓦解的基础上形成的,有的是在村社或原始公社瓦解后形成的,封建社会是人类历史上出现的第三种社会形态。(封建社会.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900007827924&d=2FC206242378F78DAFA53E028EE9E840)封建社会的基本特征是:“生产关系方面,地主阶级占有土地等基本生产资料,不完全地占有农民。地主依靠封建土地所有制和借助于超经济强制,通过地租形式占有农民的剩余劳动。农民被束缚于土地和封建制度,在不同程度上依附于封建地主。生产力方面,农业、手工业、商业和国际贸易得到进一步发展,但自然经济占统治地位”。(封建社会.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900007249358&d=7125C5F82B55E3E6AB7007B878241A2A)政治制度方面,国家是地主阶级维护封建制度对农民实行专政的工具,封建等级制度森严,国王和皇帝是最高的封建君主,广大农民处在最低层。地租的形式方面,处在自然经济向商品经济的过渡中,由劳役地租、实物地租逐步向货币地租转化。(封建社会.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900007565219&d=4AC7C829D6DFD3187209C26E0A879164)封建生产关系使农民有一定的人身自由,有自己的私有经济,在一定程序上调动了农民的生产积极性,使生产力得到发展。但随着生产力的发展,封建的生产关系日渐成为生产力发展的阻碍,加之大规模的农民起义的爆发,由此人类社会进一步发展到更高阶段。


[1] 封建社会.via:
[2] 封建社会.via:
[3] 封建社会.via:


1. 此外,在封建的中世纪的内部孕育了这样一个阶级,这个阶级在它进一步的发展中,注定成为现代平等要求的代表者,这就是市民等级。最初市民等级本身是一个封建等级,当十五世纪末,海上航路的伟大发现,为开辟了一个新的更加广大的活动场所时,它使封建社会内部的主要靠手工进行的工业和产品交换发展到比较高的水平。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:114

1. The feudal Middle Ages also developed in their womb the class which was destined in the course of its further development, to become the standard-bearer of the modern demand for equality: the bourgeoisie. Originally itself a feudal estate, the bourgeoisie developed the predominantly handicraft industry and the ex-change of products within feudal society to a relatively high level, when at the end of the fifteenth century the great maritime discoveries opened to it a new career of wider scope. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 96

2. 关于“组织劳动”的问题已经谈得很多了,虽然这个“口号”并不是社会主义者自己提出的, 而是力图调和政治和社会主义的法国政治激进派提出的。关于 “组织群众”这一正好应当解决的任务,在批判的批判之前没有一个人谈到过。相反, 事实已经表明,资产阶级社会本身、旧的封建社会的解体正是组织群众。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷):神圣家族》,1973:172

2. A lot has been said about “organisation of labour”, although even this “catchword “came not from the Socialists themselves but from the politically radical party in France, which tried to be an intermediary between politics and socialism. But nobody before Critical Criticism spoke of “organisation of the mass” as of a question yet to be solved. It was proved, on the contrary, that Bourgeois society, the dissolution of the old feudal society, is this organisation of the mass. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4): The Holy Family, 1973: 135.

3. 我国封建社会时间长,封建等级观念和特权思想具有深厚的历史根源和社会土壤。现在,在我们一些干部中,封建社会那种“封妻荫子”“一人得道,鸡犬升天”等腐朽特权思想还有不小市场,明里暗里谋求特权和私利的现象还比较严重,它极大地损害了社会公平正义,引起群众强烈不满。——《学习习近平总书记重要讲话》,2015:88

3. The feudal hierarchy and the special privilege mentality are rooted deeply in historical forces because of the long history of Chinese feudal society. The feudal ideology such as “get one’s wife and children rewarded by heritage” and “Basking in reflected glory” still exists. The activities such as seeking privilege, overtly or covertly, damage the social equality and justice a great deal, causing great dissatisfaction among the masses. -Quoted from The Ideological Banner for the Development of Contemporary China—On General Secretary Xi Jinping’ s Significant Instruction on the “Chinese Dream”, 2015: 80.


例句 1:
In the world-system Marxism, it is complicated to understand the development mode of Chinese feudal society. 

例句 2:
Neo Confucianism during the Song & Ming Dynasties is one of the most important philosophies in China, and it plays a crucial role in the history of Chinese thoughts, due to its donation of the ideological thoughts in the late feudal society of China for more than seven hundred years. 

例句 3:
Existed long in the history of Chinese feudal society, this view is closely related with the spread of Marx’s historical materialism.





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