字词 | 《马克思的历史理论》 |
释义 | 《马克思的历史理论》【英】Marx’s Theory of History译文来源via:https://www.bookdepository.com/Marxs-Theory-History-William-H-Shaw/9780804710596 定义分析的马克思主义的标志性著作之一。分析的马克思主义重要人物威廉·肖(William H. Shaw)的代表作。出版于1978年。全书除导论外,共设5章:(1)生产的解剖;(2)马克思的技术决定论;(3)从资本主义到社会主义;(4)向资本主义的长征;(5)结论。作者在这部著作中侧重通过语义分析来探讨唯物史观的两个领域。一是生产力与生产关系相互作用的两个领域。认为这是马克思关于历史变革的基础性的一般结构模式,被马克思理解为构成历史变革和进化的基础经济原动力。他细致地分析了这两个概念,并据以构造出历史发展的图景。二是追溯马克思关于前资本主义历史演进过程的理解,使人们对马克思总的历史观有更确切的理解,并反思其中某些论述与唯物史观一般理论的差别。既主张对马克思的历史理论作“技术决定论的解释”,又肯定历史唯物主义是“以经验为依据的理论”。认为生产力的决定作用是马克思著作的基本论题。他认为马克思主义的科学地位不是某种能够以纯形式的方式得到证明或得到保证的东西。承认历史唯物主义依然存在着许多难题,但劝告马克思的研究者们应该把注意力集中在一个学说中那些积极的和进步的成果上,而不是纠缠在理论的不一致和反常上。(金炳华,2003:1076) 定义来源金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003. 例句1. 马克思刚一去世,阿基尔·洛里亚先生就赶紧在《新文选》杂志(1883年4月)上发表了一篇关于马克思的文章:首先是错误百出的传记,接着是对社会活动、政治活动和写作活动的批评。1886年,同一个洛里亚先生出版了《关于政治制度的经济学说》一书,在这本书中,他居然把他在1883年曾经如此完全并如此有意地歪曲了的马克思的历史理论,宣布为自己的发现,而使同时代人大为惊奇。——《马克思恩格斯全集(二十五卷)》,1974:21 1. No sooner had Marx died than Mr. Achille Loria hastened to publish an article about him in the Nuova Antologia (April 1883), a To begin with, a biography brimming with misinformation, followed by a critique of public, political and literary work. In 1886, the same Mr. Loria published a book, La teoria Economica della Constituzione Politica, in which he announced to his astounded contemporaries that Marx's Conception of History, so completely and purposefully misrepresented by him in 1883, was his own discovery. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37), 1998: 19. 2. 我感到自豪的是,在俄国青年中有一派真诚地、无保留地接受了马克思的伟大的经济理论和历史理论,并坚决地同他们前辈的一切无政府主义的和带有一点斯拉夫主义的传统决裂。如果马克思能够多活几年,那他本人也同样会以此自豪的。这是一个对俄国革命运动发展具有重大意义的进步。在我看来,马克思的历史理论是任何坚定不移和始终一贯的革命策略的基本条件;为了找到这种策略,需要的只是把这一理论应用于本国的经济条件和政治条件。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三十六卷)》,1974:301 2. Let me repeat how proud I am to know that there exists among the younger generation in Russia a party which frankly and unreservedly accepts the great economic and historical theories evolved by Marx, and which has broken for good with all the anarchic and to some extent Slavophil traditions of its predecessors. And Marx himself, had he lived a little longer, would have been no less proud than I. It marks a step forward which will be of the utmost importance to the revolutionary development of Russia. In my eyes, Marx's historical theory is fundamentally essential to revolutionary tactics, if these are to be consistent and logical; to discover what those tactics ought to be, all one has to do is to apply the theory to economic and political conditions in the country concerned. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 47), 1995: 280. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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