

字词 莱斯


William Leiss


[1] William Leiss. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Leiss
[2] Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut Interactional Publishers, 2011: 279.


威廉·莱斯(William Leiss)是当代生态学马克思主义代表人物之一,加拿大籍。1939年,莱斯出生于纽约长岛,在新泽西的费尔利迪金森大学接受大学教育,后在美国马萨诸塞州的布兰德斯大学获硕士学位,又在美国加州大学圣迭戈分校获哲学博士学位。莱斯曾先后师承赫伯特•古特曼(Herbert Gutman)和马尔库塞(Herbert Marcuse)研习历史和哲学。曾在里贾纳大学、多伦多大学等多所大学执教(曹宇,2008:2)。在生态环境日益遭到破坏的当代社会,莱斯认为只有改变人们欲意控制自然的观念,才能彻底的消除生态危机,这便是莱斯著名的“控制自然”思想。“控制自然”思想作为莱斯著名的生态理论,其最主要的生态学影响就是能够让人们以全新的眼光来认识生态危机的产生。莱斯也认为,只有彻底改变人们对待自然的态度,才能拥有一个互利互惠的新环境(贺雪,2015:10)。莱斯着重以社会意识的角度和人的角度分析了生态危机形成的原因及解决办法,一针见血地指出了生态危机的实质与根源,为当代人们对于社会生态建设的蓝图提供了借鉴,及时地为人类在解决生态危机问题上指明了道路,对社会进步和发展有着非同寻常的影响(贺雪,2015:13)。


[1] 曹宇.威廉·莱斯生态马克思主义研究[D].河南大学,2008.
[2] 贺雪.威廉莱斯“控制自然”思想及其价值研究[D].长春理工大学,2015.


1. 至此,马克思哲学构架中的实践、生产和历史进步的概念都已经不再是某种中性的东西,历史唯物主义的基础直接遭到了深层次攻击。阿伦特的《人的条件》、哈贝马斯的《走向一个合理化的社会》以及莱斯的《自然的控制》等都在针对这个问题的批判中展开。只不过,在理论逻辑上,他们谁也没能达到鲍德里亚的深度和强度。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2011:205

1. Now, the concepts of practice, production and historical progression in Marxist framework are not neutral any more; the profound foundation of historical materialism is exposed to direct attack by Arendt’s Human Condition, Habermas’s Toward a Rational Society, and Leiss’s Domination of Nature, all extending their criticism in this issue. They only fail to attain Baudrillard’s depths and intensity. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 279.


例句 1:
William Leiss and Marx both think that there is an inevitable relevancy between ecological crisis and capitalist system, hence an interpersonal relation behind. In fact differences between them are evident in the following three aspects. In the way of thinking, William Leiss adopts subject-object dichotomy, while Marx uses the perceptual practice. Leiss takes the consumption alienation as his logical starting point, and Marx focuses on the productivity. In the path of criticism, William Leiss maintains the perspective of ideology, but Marx employs the political economy in his theory.

例句 2:
In today’s world, human existence is a major theme of the times. As the earliest eco-Marxist who studies the way of existence from the perspective of Marxist theory. William Leiss has his unique logic thinking and research paradigm. He precisely predicts the tu





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