

字词 范畴体系


system of categories; conceptual system


Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics [M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1968: 235, 186.


范畴体系指各门具体科学中若干范畴相互联系的形式。范畴是概括和反映事物本质和普遍联系的思维形式,是基本的概念。但每一个范畴都只能反映客观世界的个别方面,而只有各种范畴的相互联系,即“一般概念、规律等等的无限总和才提供完全的具体事物”。(中共中央编译局,1986:310)各门科学都是由自己特有的一系列范畴体系所构成的。任何科学如果没有一定的相互联系的范畴,就不能反映客观现实的运动过程,就不能反映代表该事物的发展和变化。范畴体系的构成必须按照由低级到高级,由简单到复杂的原则。范畴体系反映了人的认识从初级本质到第二级本质的逐步深化的过程。(曲钦岳,1989:46)“例如经济学,总是由商品、价值、货币、价格、交换等一系列范畴所组成的;唯物辩证法,也总是由量变与质变、对立与统一、肯定与否定、原因与结果、现象与本质等等一系列的范畴所组成的科学体系。范畴体系是人们在实践的基础上不断地产生和概括起来的,同时反过来又成为进一步指导人们的认识活动和实践活动的方法。随着科学实践的发展和人类对客观世界的认识逐步深入,每门科学的范畴体系都会越来越丰富和发展”。(范畴体系.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900006156825&d=B3AB9189E50B9A4C56DC16C1587C07B0)


[1] 中共中央编译局.列宁全集(第三十八卷)[M].人民出版社,1986.
[2] 曲钦岳.当代百科知识大词典[Z].南京大学出版社,1989.
[3] 范畴体系.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900006156825&d=B3AB9189E50B9A4C56DC16C1587C07B0


1. 从认识前资本主义社会确实是怎样构成的这种观点来看,这种量上能分等摄意味着质的区别——它在认识上表现为完全不同的范畴体系占统治地位,表现为整个社会范围内一些个别局部领域的完全不同的功能。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:320

1. From the standpoint of an understanding of how the pre-capitalist societies were really constituted these quantitative gradations signify qualitative differences which are expressed epistemologically as the hegemony of completely different systems of categories and as the completely different functions of particular sectors within the framework of society as a whole. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 235.

2. 因此,如同前面强调的那样,如果关于社会状态的范畴结构不直接地就是历史的,在就是说,如果经验的历史事件顺序根本就不足以说明如使人理解某种存在的和思维的形式的真正出来,那末尽管如此,或者更确切地说,正因为如此,每一个这样的范畴体系总的来讲是整个社会某一发展阶段的标志。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:275

2. So that if—as we emphasised earlier on—the categories describing the structure of a social system are not immediately historical, i.e. if the empirical succession of historical events does not suffice to explain the origins of a particular form of thought or existence, then it can be said that despite this, or better, because of it, any such conceptual system will describe in its totality a definite stage in the society as a whole. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 186.


例句 1:
The ontological category system has to be constructed before the identification of the “inventory” of the being.

例句 2:
Kant’s category system is the pure form of thinking, which can be only applied in phenomenal realm. It is valid for the thing-in-itself. So it led to the deepened split between intellectuality and rationality. 

例句 3:
The writer of this article not only promotes “time” and “space” from the perceptual intuition to the category of understanding, but also adjusts or supplements other contents, so as to give certain modification or improvement to the whole system of category.





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