

字词 理论实践


theoretical practice


Althusser, L. For Marx [M]. The Penguin Press, 1969: 183.


法国当代西方唯科学主义的马克思主义者阿尔图塞(Louis Althuser)用语,指对经济、政治、意识形态等实践所形成的“理论”作理论加工的社会实践。阿尔都塞认为人类的一切活动包括思想活动都属于“实践”,实践因此被划分为生产实践、政治实践和理论实践。他认为“理论实践包括在实践的一般定义的范围之内,它加工的原料(表象、概念、事实)由其他实践所提供”(路易·阿尔都塞,2005:158)。理论实践有狭义和广义的理论实践两种区分。狭义的理论实践是指科学的理论实践,广义的理论实践包括狭义的理论实践和意识形态的实践。科学的理论实践则是指科学的理论同其史前时期的意识形态理论实践发生“质的中断”,即“认识论的断裂”之后所进行的理论创造活动。阿尔都塞将物理学、数学和历史科学等都属于科学的理论实践。阿尔都塞认为,马克思主义的哲学(即辩证唯物主义或称唯物辩证法)以实践的形式存在于马克思主义的科学(即历史唯物主义)中。阿尔都塞将马克思主义哲学称为一般的理论。在阿尔都塞看来,“理论实践”,既是马克思主义哲学独创性特征的体现,又是它与旧意识形态彻底决裂的证明。马克思创立唯物史观以前受费尔巴哈人本主义的总问题制约时写下的一系列文章、著作所反映的思想都属于先于科学的,即“意识形态的”理论实践(刘溪,2014:107-112)。


[1] 路易•阿尔都塞.保卫马克思[M].商务印书馆,2005.
[2] 刘溪.阿尔都塞的“理论实践”思想及其特点[J].阴山学刊,2014(2).


1. 那些在意识形态理论(法学、伦理学、宗教学、艺术,哲学)、科学史和科学的意识形态史前期理论、认识论(数学理论实践的理论、其他自认科学的理论)等险象丛生但又引人入胜的先进领域从事探索的马克思主义工作者,那些在马克思主义理论实践(历史的理论实践)的领域中提出棘手问题的马克思主义研究工作者,以及那些致力于研究以崭新形式出现的各种证之难题(非洲问题、拉丁美洲问题、向共产主义过渡的问题,等等)的革命“研究工作者”,假如他们运用的唯物辩证法只是黑格尔的辩证法——即令这种辩证法已摆脱了黑格尔的意识形态体系,即令已宣布被“颠倒”了过来(如果这种颠倒只是把黑格尔的辩证法运用于真实,而不是运用于观念)——那他们就肯定搞不出什么名堂。——《保卫马克思》,1984:144-145

1. Those Marxist investigators working in avant-garde domains such as the theory of ideologies (law, ethics, religion, art, philosophy), the theory of the history of the sciences and of their ideological prehistory, epistemology (theory of the theoretical practice of mathematics and other natural sciences), etc, these risky but existing avant-garde domains; those who pose themselves difficult problems even in the domain of Marxist theoretical practice (the domain of history); not to speak of those other revolutionary ‘investigators’ who are confronted by political difficulties in radically new forms (Africa, Latin America, the transition to communism, etc.); if all these investigators had only the Hegelian dialectic instead of the Marxist dialectic, even if the former were purged of Hegel’s ideological system, even if it were declared to have been ‘inverted’ (if this inversion amounts to applying the Hegelian dialectic to the real instead of to the Idea), they would certainly not get very far in its company! So, whether we are dealing with a confrontation with something new in the domain of a real practice, or with the foundation of a real practice we all need the materialist dialectic as such. -Quoted from For Marx, 1969: 172-173.

2. 马克思在《政治经济学批判导言》中论述了辩证唯物主义的这个根本要点,他指出,科学的理论实践虽然不能不使用一般的概念(例如:“生产”、“劳动”、“交换”等概念),但这最初的一般同科学工作的产我也却不相吻合:它不是科学工作的结果,而是科学工作的前提。——《保卫马克思》,1984:155

2. This point is essential to dialectical materialism, and Marx discusses an illustration of it in the Introduction when he demonstrates that although the use of general concepts, or example, ‘production’, ‘labour’, ‘exchange’, etc. is indispensable to a scientific theoretical practice, this first generality does not coincide with the product of the scientific labour: it is not its achievement, it is its prior condition. -Quoted from For Marx, 1969: 183.

3. 可是,真正的理论实践(产生认识的理论实践)完全可以履行自己的理论职责,而不一定需要把自己的实践及其过程加工成为理论。大多数科学都属于这种情况:它们虽然也“理论”(它们的全部概念),但这不是它们理论实践的理论。理论实践的理论阶段,即当“理论”感到需要有自己实践的理论时,也就是一般所说的方法论阶段,总是在事后才出现,以便帮助克服实践的困难或“理论”的困难,帮助解决一些由盲目的实践所解决不了的问题,或者去对付更加深刻的危机。——《保卫马克思》,1984:146

3. Now, a real theoretical practice (one that produces knowledges) may be well able to do its duty as theory without necessarily feeling the need to make the Theory of its own practice, of its process. This is the case with the majority of sciences; they do have a ‘theory’ (their corpus of concepts), but it is not a Theory of their theoretical practice. The moment of the Theory of theoretical practice, that is, the moment in which a 'theory' feels the need for the Theory of its own practice—the moment of the Theory of method in the general sense—always occurs post festum, to help it surmount practical or ‘theoretical’ difficulties, resolve problems insoluble for the movement of practice immersed in its activities and therefore theoretically blind, or face up to even deeper crises. -Quoted from For Marx, 1969: 173-174.


例句 1:
Thereupon, the practical and theoretical values of man's all-round development is given prominence to in the socialist modernization under the background of knowledge-based economy, and the research of it has become an inevitability. This is the absolute necessity in social development as well as the definite conclusion in reflection of the frame and mode of development.

例句 2:
Harmonious society expects harmonious personality which is on the one hand practice choosing of Marxism personality theory and other hand value realization of harmonious culture.

例句 3:
Based on previous academic studies, we make a conclusion of the four methods used by Mao Zedong: survey research method, autonomous learning method, democratic discussion method and labor experience method. Last, scientifically understand the connotations of “Mao Zedong's thought of practical education





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