

字词 抽象真理


abstract truth


Marx, K. & F. Engel. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 8.


抽象真理(abstract truth)是不以客观现实自身的具体统一为基础的真理(彭漪涟等,2010:640)。抽象真理体现着孤立、静止、片面地看待真理的一种主观主义、形而上学的观点(廖盖隆,1993:297),是主观主义、形而上学真理观的产物(彭漪涟,2010:640)。主观主义、形而上学真理观认为,真理不是具体的,而是从对具体事物的认识中升华出来的;真理摆脱了各种具体束缚,因而是抽象的真理。抽象真理有四种表现形式。一是否认普遍和特殊的关系,否认普遍自身体现着特殊的丰富性,没有把普遍真理与具体实践相结合,而将真理变成教条和空谈;二是忽视真理是发展的,不是把真理作为过程,而是将其作为僵死的、一经确立就永远不变的静止物;三是不分析具体事实,仅以先验的原则和书本为思考的基础,任意扩大真理的适用范围,使真理走向谬误;四是坚持事物固定的规定性和各规定性之间的彼此差别,使之成为凝固不变的东西,而没有把事物及其过程作为具有许多规定和关系的总和的统一体来把握,没有将分析与综合结合起来。辩证唯物主义认为,“没有抽象的真理,真理总是具体的”(列宁,2012:11)。世界上任何事物都是处在具体的位置、条件和矛盾之中的,作为对客观事物及其规律正确反映的真理性认识也必然是具体的。抽象真理观的错误在于,片面夸大抽象这一认识过程的契机,使真理内容脱离客观现实。在实践中,持抽象真理的观点,会犯以教条主义为特征的“左”的错误(廖盖隆,1993:297)。


[1] 彭漪涟.逻辑学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2010.
[2] 廖盖隆.马克思主义百科要览·上卷[Z].人民日报出版社,1993.
[3] 列宁.列宁全集(第四卷)[M].人民出版社,2012.


1. 那些主要不是干预生活本身,而是从事抽象真理的研究的职业,对于还没有确立坚定的原则和牢固的、不可动摇的信念的青年是最危险的,当然,如果这些职业在我们心里深深地扎下了根,如果我们能够为它们的主导思想而牺牲生命、竭尽全力,这些职业看来还是最高尚的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷)下》,1960:458-459

1. Those professions which are not so much involved in life itself as concerned with abstract truths are the most dangerous for the young man whose principles are not yet firm and whose convictions are not yet strong and unshakeable. At the same time these professions may seem to be the most exalted if they have taken deep root in our hearts and if we are capable of sacrificing our lives and all endeavours for the ideas which prevail in them. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 8.

2. 在我那本现在(1899年3月)已经印好的《论俄国资本主义发展的问题》(《关于大工业的国内市场及其在俄国的形成过程》)里面,我提出的并不是关于市场理论的问题,而是关于俄国资本主义的国内市场问题。因此,理论的抽象真理在那里只是起着指导性原理的作用,只是起着分析具体材料的工具的作用。——《列宁全集(第四卷)》,1984:75

2. In my book, On the Question of the Development of Capitalism in Russia (“The Home Market for Large-Scale Industry and the Process of Its Formation in Russia”), the printing of which has now (March 1899) been completed, I did not raise the question of the market theory but of a home market for Russian capitalism. In this case, therefore, the abstract truths of theory play only the role of guiding principles, a means of analysing concrete data. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1977: 89.


例句 1:
本文着重以20世纪现象学的开创者胡塞尔的纯粹现象学为出发点分析探讨该书以感性直观为基础,借助于语言达到抽象真理并由此激发读者对于美和真理的热爱与思考的文学特色,并阐释了它的哲学内涵。——“《瓦尔登湖》的现象学分析”,载于《南京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》2009年第4期This paper intends to analyze this book from the perspective of the founder of 20th  century phenomenology——Husserl’s pure phenomenology. It reveals the liter
ary characteristics of the book——with the help of language. It achieves abstract truth on the basis of the sensational intuition and arouses readers’ passion for beauty and truth. The paper also explains Walden’s philosophical implications.

例句 2:
However, whether there is any abstract truth or not seems to be a question worth studying and thinking.

例句 3:
Abstract truth is a pure truth in imagination, abstract fallacy is a pure fallacy in imagination.





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