

字词 阶层


stratum; strata


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:329.
[2] Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectic [M]. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1971: 55.


阶层是指出身于不同阶级的人,由于某种相同的特征而形成的社会集团,例如以脑力劳动为主的知识分子,同一阶级里因社会经济地位不同而分成的层次。一般而言,人们总是习惯于将阶层与阶级相联系来理解,依据一定的划分标准来理解和定义阶层。从国际学术界来看,按照美国社会学家格伦斯基(David Grusky)的理解,关于阶层概念主要存在三大理论视角。一是马克思主义及新马克思主义,依据生产资料的占有关系来定义社会阶级(阶层);二是韦伯主义及新韦伯主义,按照财富、权力和声望为综合标准来划分阶级或阶层;三是涂尔干主义及新涂尔干主义,基于社会劳动分工来区分社会阶层。除此之外,法国社会学家布尔迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)还提出以社会资本来划分社会阶级阶层。吉尔伯特(Daniel Gilbert)等美国学者经过系统总结,提出了测量阶层的9个基本变量(丹尼斯•吉尔伯特 约瑟夫•A•卡尔,1992:16-19)。从国内学术界来看,在坚持马克思主义阶级学说的理论框架下,主导定义取向是尽量淡化阶层概念的意识形态色彩,强调以职业分类为基础,综合收入、权力、社会地位、消费水平、受教育程度等多元指标来划分阶层。所以,笼统地看,身处不同阶级的社会成员,因财富占有状况、社会地位以及谋生方式的不同而区分为不同的层次,同一层次的社会成员具有由于某种相同的特征而结成一定的社会集团,如相近的生活方式、人生态度、价值观以及行为模式等。简言之,社会阶层是以职业为基础、由具有相同或类似社会地位的社会成员组成的相对持久的群体(杨文伟,2014:7)。


[1] 丹尼斯•吉尔伯特,约瑟夫•A•卡尔,美国阶级结构[M].中国社会科学出版社,1992.
[2] 杨文伟.转型期中国社会阶层固化研究[M].中共中央党校,2014.


1. 综上所述,对于前资本主义时代,以及对于其生活的经济基础还是属于前资本主义时代的资本主义许多阶层的行为来说,它们的阶级意识就其本身而言既不可能具有一种十分清晰的形式,也不可能有意识地对历史事件发生影响。这首先是因为在任何一个前资本主义社会中,阶级利益决不可能以十分清晰的(经济的)形式表现出来,这是任何一个这一类社会的本质使然,社会结构分为等级、阶层等,随之而来的是在社会的客观经济结构中,经济的因素和政治的、宗教的等等因素不可分地结合在一起。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:109-110

1. It follows from the above that for pre-capitalist epochs and for the behaviour of many strata within capitalism whose economic roots lie in pre-capitalism, class consciousness is unable to achieve complete clarity and to influence the course of history consciously. This is true above all because class interests in pre-capitalist society never achieve full (economic) articulation. Hence the structuring of society into castes and estates means that economic elements are inextricable joined to political and religious factors. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 55.

2. 问题在于这种“抽象”并不仅仅存在于我们(金融投机者)对社会现实的错误理解上;在确定物质社会进程真正结构的特定意义 上它是“真实的”:各个阶层的命运,有时是整个国家的命运都可能由“唯我论的”资本思辨之舞所决定,它追寻自已的利益而全然不顾其行动会对社会现实产生影响。那就是资本主义基本体系的暴力,它比直接的前资本主义社会一意识形态暴力更加离奇:这种暴力再也不会归因于具体的个人及他们 “恶的”动机,它是纯“客观的”、系统的、匿名的。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:321

2. The problem is that this “abstraction” does not exist only in our (financial speculator’s) misperception of social reality; it is “real” in the precise sense of determining the very structure of material social processes: the fate of whole strata of populations, and sometimes of whole countries, can be decided by the “solipsistic” speculative dance of Capital, which pursues its goal of profitability with a blessed indifference to the way its movement will affect social reality. That is the fundamental systemic violence of capitalism, which is much more uncanny than direct pre-capitalist socio-ideological violence: this violence is no longer attributable to concrete individuals and their “evil” intentions; it is purely “objective”, systemic anonymous. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 420.

3. 伯恩施坦的中心思想所推导出的第二个必然结论是,尽管资本的控制也许在集中,但随之而来的是所有权的分散。伯恩施坦关于阶级的定义比马克思的定义要模糊得多。他只是把它当做一种社会阶层,其构成主要取决于相似的生活条件。他认为,中产阶级将会壮大,这有收入方面的统计数据等可资验证。他以下述发问的方式来支持自己的观点“如此大量的、不是被大亨及其代理人消费掉的商品到哪儿去了呢?”他回答(忽视了一个显而易见的答案,即剩余价值已用于再投资了)说“如果它们不是以这种或那种方式流到无产者手中去了,那么肯定是被其他阶级吸收掉了。要么资本家的数量相对减少、而无产者的财富在增加,要么中产阶级数量在增多——只有这两者是生产力持续增长所容许的唯一可能的选择。”不过,在伯恩施坦看来,中产阶级的数量不仅正在增加,而且随着日益增长的工业康采恩和政府官僚机器雇用的白领工人的出现,其构成成分也发生了变化。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:26

3. The second corollary of Bernstein’s central assertion was although the control of capital might be being concentrated, involved a diffusion of ownership. Bernstein had a much loose definition of class than Marx: he considered it to be simply a social; stratum which was largely formed by similarity of living conditions. He considered the middle class to be increasing m size—and had income statistics etc. to prove it. He also supported his view by asking: ‘where does this mass of commodities go which is not consumed by the: magnates and their stooges?’, and replied (neglecting the obvious answer that the surplus was reinvested): “If it does not go to the proletarians in one way or another, it must be absorbed by other classes. Either a relative decrease in the number of capitalists and an increasing wealth in the proletariat, or a numerous middle class—these are the only alternatives which the continuous increase of productivity allows.” But according to Bernstein, the middle class was not only increasing but also changing in composition with the advent of white collar workers employed in the ever-growing industrial concerns and governmental bureaucracy. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 30.


例句 1:
In 2001, president Jiang Zemin proposed “new social strata” concept for the first time in the “July 1st” speech, and made it clear that the new social strata are the builders of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

例句 2:
New social strata are developing social groups in the continuously deepening of reform and opening-up, experiencing the phase of slow start and rapid growth, then into a stable period of development.

例句 3:
Ideology is the reaction of given classes or stratums to the benefit-based relationship on the basis of specific economic and social foundation. In a class society, the ideology reflects the will of the dominant class, and hence a distinct class character. Assumed to cover up the true relationship between the dominant class and the ruled class in a class society, ideology is “illusory”.





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