

字词 个性




McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. Translated by Zhang Yibing. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 241.


个性的内涵非常广阔丰富,是人们的心理倾向、心理过程、心理特征以及心理状态等综合形成系统心理结构,是个人有倾向性的、本质的、比较稳定的心理特征,是个体在物质活动和交往活动中形成的具有社会意义的稳定的心理特征系统,也可以说是一个人的基本的精神面貌(via:http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900013498623&d=8F7B2D3107F7A4EDA4BC64C43966E059)。每个人的个性都有不同于其他人的心理特点,对周围的人、事、物等一切对象有着不同的态度和特定的行为表现。“个性是随着人的社会意识和自我意识的产生而开始出现的。马克思把个性规定为社会的存在物,它是在一定的历史条件下和社会关系中形成和发展起来的。人在生来具有的正常机体包括正常发育的脑的前提下,随着家庭教育、学校教育、社会生活实践以及所掌握的文化科学知识等的不同,每个人的个性也各不相同。在一定条件下,在实践过程中,个性也可以改变,甚至改变得判若两人。完善和优异的个性具有极其重要的积极作用,它是在良好的环境锻炼下和自己不断地努力追求、调整和自觉完善自己的过程中形成并显示自己个性的积极性的”(via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900007081723&d=DB562666F77B877FE4C2D60EAE348700)。个性由三个子系统构成:其一,个性倾向性,即人对社会环境的态度和行为的积极倾向,是推动人进行活动的动力系统,是个性结构中最活跃的因素,包括需要、动机、兴趣、理想、信念、世界观等。其二,个性心理特征,即人的多种心理特点的一种独特结合,个体在其心理活动中经常地、稳定地表现出来的特征,包括人的能力、气质和性格。其三,自我意识,即自己对所有属于自己身心状况的意识,主要指自我认识、自我体验、自我调控,如自尊心、自信心(via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900013498623&d=8F7B2D3107F7A4EDA4BC64C43966E059)。


[1] 个性.via:
[2] 个性.via:


1. 只有经过民主主义,才能到达社会主义,这是马克思主义的天经地义。而在中国,为民主主义奋斗的时间还是长期的。没有一个新民主主义的联合统一的国家,没有新民主主义的国家经济的发展,没有私人资本主义经济和合作社经济的发展,没有民族的科学的大众的文化即新民主主义文化的发展,没有几万万人民的个性的解放和个性的发展,一句话,没有由共产党领导的新式的资产阶级性质的彻底的民主革命,要想在殖民地半殖民半封建的废墟上建立起社会主义社会来,那只是完全的空想。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:231

1. It is a law of Marxism that socialism can be attained only via the stage of democracy. And in China the fight for democracy is a protracted one. It would be a sheer illusion to try to build a socialist society on the ruins of the colonial, semi-colonial, and semi-feudal order without a united new-democratic state, without the development of the state sector of the new-democratic economy, of the private capitalist and the cooperative sectors, and of a national, scientific and mass culture, i.e., a new-democratic culture, and without deliberation and the development of the individuality of hundreds of million of people–in short, without a thoroughgoing bourgeois-democratic revolution of a new type by the Communist Party.-Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 241.

2. 因此,个性的比较高度的发展,只有以牺牲个人的历史过程为代价。"结果,我关于资本主义矛盾和无产阶级革命化的论述都不言觉地带上了放厚的主观主义色彩。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》, 1996: 12

2. Thus the higher development of individuality is only purchased by a historical process in which individuals are sacrificed. In consequence, my account of the contradictions of capitalism as well as of the revolutionisation of the proletariat is unintentionally coloured by an overriding subjectivism. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectic, 1971: xviii.


例句 1:
The ultimate goal of Marxism is to achieve human emancipation and the all-round and free development of human beings, while the realization of free individuality is the internal requirement and precondition of the goal.

例句 2:
The development of this topic in social science theoretical reflection, is human development questions. The development means human's free and all-round development of personality and ability.

例句 3:
Personality theory is one of the main content of the marxism human thought. Promoting man's personality freedom and comprehensive development,is not only the requirement of era development,is the human eternal value pursuit,and the freedom of personality modernization is contemporary personality of the stages realistic goals to achieve.





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