

字词 改革创新


reform and innovation


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 182.


“改革创新是社会主义核心价值体系的基本内容之一,也是实现科学发展观的重要动力”(via: http://www.bing.com/knows/search?q=%e6%94%b9%e9%9d%a9%e5%88%9b%e6%96%b0&mkt=zh-cn&FORM=BKACAI)。改是指改掉旧的不合理的部分以使被改革对象更合理完善;创新是指开创新的事物。因而,改革创新是使原有的事物更完美、并能让多数人赞同的做法(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/7004338-7227220.html)。中共中央和国务院在2004年发出的《关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》中首次将改革创新作为时代精神的核心提出(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6725544-6939720.html);之后,中共十六届四中全会明确提出了“弘扬以改革创新为核心的时代精神”(via: http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2004-09-19/19443711494s.shtml);中共十六届六中全会则把以改革创新为核心的时代精神和以爱国主义为核心的民族精神一并确立为社会主义核心价值体系的基本内容(via: http://politics.people.com.cn/GB/1024/4907609.html)。中国近现代以来社会主义和资本主义的道路之争是中华民族能否真正实现改革创新的问题;中国走上社会主义道路则是中国历史发展中的改革创新(via: http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E6%94%B9%E9%9D%A9%E5%88%9B%E6%96%B0)。以改革创新为核心的时代精神是马克思主义与时俱进的理论品格,是中华民族开拓进取的思想品格与改革开放,也是现代化建设实践相结合的伟大成果;以改革创新为核心的时代精神是振兴中华的力量源泉,已经深深融入我国经济、政治、文化和社会建设的各个方面,具有三点主要特征(via: http://baike.sogou.com/v7884491.htm)。一是自主性,体现为自主创新,即战胜自我和超越自我;二是首创性,改革创新尽管必然要学习借鉴别人,但其成果必然不与任何已有成果相雷同;三是先进性,即顺应时代潮流、具有深远影响(via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/3153726.htm)。


[1] 改革创新.via: http://www.bing.com/knows/search?q=%e6%94%b9%e9%9d%a9%e5%88%9b%e6%96%b0&mkt=zh-cn&FORM=BKACAI
[2] 改革创新.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/7004338-7227220.html
[3] 关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6725544-6939720.html
[4] 中国共产党第十六届中央委员会第四次全体会议公报. via: http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2004-09-19/19443711494s.shtml
[5] 中共十六届六中全会在京举行,胡锦涛作重要讲话.via: http://politics.people.com.cn/GB/1024/4907609.html
[6] 改革创新.via: http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E6%94%B9%E9%9D%A9%E5%88%9B%E6%96%B0
[7] 改革创新.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v7884491.htm
[8] 改革创新.via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/3153726.htm


1. 要认真汲取中华优秀传统文化的思想精华和道德精髓,大力弘扬以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神,深入挖掘和阐发中华优秀传统文化讲仁爱、重民本、守诚信、崇正义、尚和合、求大同的时代价值,使中华优秀传统文化成为涵养社会主义核心价值观的重要源泉。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:164

1. We should work hard to absorb the philosophical and moral essence of traditional Chinese culture, foster and disseminate our national character with patriotism at the core and at the call of the times, highlighted by reform and innovation, and identify and explicate their essential features of benevolence, people-orientation, integrity, righteousness, concordance and common ground. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 182.

2. 爱国主义始终是把中华民族坚强团结在一起的精神力量,改革创新始终是鞭策我们在改革开放中与时俱进的精神力量。全国各族人民一定要弘扬伟大的民族精神和时代精神,不断增强团结一心的精神纽带、自强不息的精神动力,永远朝气蓬勃迈向未来。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014: 40

2. Patriotism has always been the inner force that binds the Chinese nation together, and reform and innovation have always been the inner force that spurs us to keep abreast of the times in the course of reform and opening up. Our people of all ethnic groups must foster the great national spirit and follow the call of the times, strengthen our inner bond of unity and perseverance, and vigorously march towards the future. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 42.

3. 我们要依托论坛支点,不断开拓创新。论坛的生命力在于创新。我们双方要运用新思路、推出新举措、创建新机制,努力破解务实合作遇到的各种难题,以改革创新精神打破现实瓶颈、释放合作潜能。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:318-319

3. We should take the Forum as a lever to forge ahead with innovation. Innovation constitutes the lifeblood of the Forum. The two sides need to adopt new ideas, new measures, and new mechanisms in a bid to resolve the difficulties that we encounter in pragmatic cooperation, and clear practical bottlenecks and unlock potential for cooperation through a spirit of reform and innovation. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 351.


例句 1:
The reform and innovation, one of the vital sources of China’s development and  progress today, involves respecting the people’s initiative. 

例句 2:
One is the cadre education training scientific historical evolution including the new-democratic revolution period, the party’s cadre education training, the socialist revolution and construction period of the succession and development of the scientific cadre education and training since the reform and opening up reform and innovation of the party's cadre education training work.

例句 3:
The party’s eighteen clearly put forward the spirit of reform and innovation to improve the scientific level of Party building of our party, indicating the laws on governance by the Communist Party, the socialist construction law, the law of development of human society especially the laws on governance by the Communist Party understanding reached a new height.





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