

字词 非法性




Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 272.


非法性为匈牙利卢卡奇用语,与“合法性”相对,出自其《历史与阶级意识》一书。合法性和非法性的概念是卢卡奇在研究无产阶级阶级斗争的合法性和非法性时提出的。卢卡奇认为法制和国家从来就不是独立的,它是统治阶级根本意志的体现。在资本主义社会中,合法性是资产阶级意识形态倡导的国家制度和法律法规,非法性是违背国家意志的倾向和行为。(合法性和非法性.via: http://marxists.anu.edu.au/chinese/georg-lukacs/1922/08.htm)卢卡奇认为无产阶级的思想如果受这种意识形态之下的国家和法律合法性的束缚,就不可能起来革命。“俄国十月革命之所以取得成功,是因为俄国无产阶级在马克思主义的熏陶下,看到了资本主义国家这种合法性是不合法的、应予否定的东西。无产阶级革命成功后,将确立从本阶级利益出发的新的合法性,以取代资本主义社会的合法性”。(金炳华等,2001:512)


[1] 合法性和非法性.via: http://marxists.anu.edu.au/chinese/georg-lukacs/1922/08.htm
[2] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.


1. 的确,在每一次革命运动中都有一些非法性的浪漫主义占统治地位或至少很强大的时期。但是这种浪漫主义由于我们在下面将要性论的原因,完全是一种共产主义运动中的幼稚病。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:343-344

1. There are, it is true, periods in every revolution when a romanticism of illegality is predominant or at least powerful. But for reasons which we shall discuss in what follows, this romanticism is quite definitely an infantile disorder of the communist movement. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 256.

2. 中欧和西欧的无产阶级面前还有一条艰苦的道路。如果他们想要意识到他们的历史使命和他们统治的合法性,他们就必须首先理解合法性和非法性的问题纯粹带有策略性质。他们必须既摆脱合法性的呆小病又摆脱非法性的浪漫主义。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:359

2. The proletariat of Central and Western Europe still has an arduous road before it. If it is to become conscious of its historical mission and of the legitimacy of its rule it must first grasp the fact that the problem of legality and illegality is purely tactical in nature. It must be able to slough off both the cretinism of legality and the romanticism of illegality. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 270.

3. 阿多诺指认“人控制自然的理性”一一工具理性是一种唯心主义幻想,由此,在哲学上正式宣告了人征服自然的工具理性的非法性。这是后来生态学和后现代思潮甚为基础的一种观点。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:53

3. Adorno identifies that “the nature-control1ing reason” —the tool reason is a delusion of idealism, thereby dec1aring the illegality of the tool rationalism justifying the nature controlling. This is a fundamental concept in Adorno on which the later ecologies and post-modernism are based. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 272.


例句 1:
Then the character of the limited property house which plays a fundamental part in the description of the limited property house problem is explained in detail, it contains the simple relationship between the litigants, the particularity of the collective-owned land's right, disorder of the process, the low price and the illegal identity of the limited property house.

例句 2:
This article from the Angle of human rights protection, this paper discusses torture and human rights social historical development status, investigation from the traditional state system and torture of legitimacy to the modern country set the illegality condition set systems to research this shift, analyzes the social basis of the existing status and torture, puts forward a series of measures in the torture ban.

例句 3:
The illegality is the core concept of the theory of illegal evidence exclusion.





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