

字词 摸着石头过河


to wade across the river by feeling for the stones


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 74.


民间歇后语,指一个人想过一条不熟悉的河,在没有前人给出经验、没有船也没有桥等情况下,就只能以身试水摸索着河里的石头以保守甚至原始的方法安全过河。形容做事谨慎、稳妥。也是新时期党的领导方法、工作方法的新发展,是邓小平在实践中运用马克思主义认识论原理的具体体现。比喻要有注重调查研究,实事求是,一切从实际出发的科学态度,才能实践成功。1980年12月在中央工作会议上,陈云作《经济形势与经验教训》的讲话时称:“我们要改革,但是步子要稳。……随时总结经验,也就是要‘摸着石头过河’”(陈云,1995:279)。邓小平对陈云提出的“摸着石头过河”说表示完全赞同。经过邓小平的复述,“摸着石头过河”,成了改革开放的三条经验——“猫论”、“摸论”和“不争论”中的一条。“摸着石头过河”,也成了在中国家喻户晓的经典话语。实践的观点是马克思主义认识论的基本的,首要的观点。人的认识总是在实践的基础上产生和发展的,总是经过由不知到知,从知之不多到知之较多的发展过程。认识任何事物都不例外,认识社会主义也同样不例外。邓小平也强调,“我们现在所干的事业是一项新事业,马克思没有讲过,我们前人没有做过,其它社会主义国家也没有干过。所以,没有现成的经验可学,我们只能在干中学,在实践中摸索”(邓小平,1993: 258-259)。“我们现在做的事都是一个试验,对我们来说,都是新事物,所以要摸索前进”(邓小平,1993:174)。所以,我们只能在马克思主义的指导下,从中国的具体实际出发,研究新情况,解决新问题。邓小平强调“摸着石头过河”,就是要在实践的基础上,通过调查研究,摸清情况,找准问题, 总结经验,探索社会主义发展的规律,找出解决问题的具体道路和方法。它是辩证唯物主义认识论在工作方法上的创造性综合,体现了社会主义条件下革命、变革、质变的渐进式特点,体现了共产党人对人民高度负责的精神,是对过去“左”的假、大、空的工作方法的彻底否定。邓小平指出,中国亿万人民所进行的改革,是一场伟大的实验,有些事情不可能一次完成,甚至有时还可能出现差错,这不要紧,只要我们勇于探索,而又细心谨慎,错误就可以随时得到纠正。只要我们一步一步积累经验,不断克服困难,避免出现大的失误,使改革不断深化,不断取得成功,我们就能实现社会主义现代化建设,把中国建设成为一个具有中国特色的社会主义的现代化强国(摸着石头过河.via:https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%91%B8%E7%9D%80%E7%9F%B3%E5%A4%B4%E8%BF%87%E6%B2%B3/83930?fr=aladdin)。




1. 第二,改革开放是前无古人的崭新视野,必须坚持正确的方法论,在不断实践探索中推进。摸着石头过河,是富有中国特色、符合中国国情的改革方法。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014: 64

1. Secondly, reform and opening up is a cause that has never before been pursued. We must adopt the right methods and advance this cause through continuous exploration and practice. Wading across the river by feeling for the stones is a reform method with Chinese characteristics and in line with the prevailing conditions in China. -Quoted from The Governance of China, 2014: 74.

2. 摸着石头过河就是摸规律,从实践中获得真知。摸着石头过河和加强顶层设计是辩证统一的,推进局部的阶段性改革开放要在加强顶层设计的前提下进行,加强顶层设计要在推进局部的阶段性改革开放的基础上来谋划。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:66

2. Wading across the river by feeling for the stones, we can identify the laws that apply, and acquire knowledge in practice. Wading across the fiver by feeling for the stones and top-level design are two component factors for our reform effort. Reform and opening up in a region at a certain stage should be subject to top-level design; top-level design should be strengthened on the basis of progressive reform and opening up in the region at a certain stage. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 74.

3. 摸着石头过河就是摸规律,从实践中获得真知。这是对我国改革开放历史经验的科学总结,充分体现了马克思主义认识论。——《学习习近平总书记重要讲话》,2013:46

3. Wading across the river by feeling for the stones is a way to figure out the law of development, to conclude truth from practice. It is the scientific conclusions from the historical experience of reform and opening up, which fully embodies epistemology of Marxism. -Quoted from The Ideological Banner for the Development of Contemporary China—On General Secretary Xi Jinping’ s Significant Instruction on the “Chinese Dream”, 2015: 35.


例句 1:
In China, the legislative concept based on the principle of “crossing the river by feeling the stones” is referred to as the legislation of “crossing the river by feeling the stones”.

例句 2:
Besides walking with measured treads, Chen Yun also promoted the methodology of wading across the river by feeling the stones. It means to improve our practice based on reliable experiment and summarized experience.

例句 3:
In China, the legislative concept based on the principle of “crossing the river by feeling the stones” is referred to as the legislation of “crossing the river by feeling the stones.”





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