

字词 超决定论(又作 多元决定论)

超决定论(又作 多元决定论)【英】

overdetermination; surdetermination


[1] Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & France e-library, 2000: 19.
[2] Overdetermination. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overdetermination
[3] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:969.




[1] 阿尔都塞.保卫马克思[M].顾良译.商务印书馆,2013.
[2] 罗殷.历史唯物主义视角下的阿尔都塞多元决定论研究[D].浙江理工大学,2016.


1. 反对大写的必然性,就要反对大写的自然之控制,反对大写的匮乏,就要反对大写的丰裕(“各取所需”),政治经济学既没有克服这些概念的独断论,也没有克服它们的唯心主义多元决定论。——《文本的深度耕梨:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:229

1. Against Necessity it will oppose the mastery of Nature; against Scarcity it will oppose Abundance (“to each according to his needs”) without ever resolving either the arbitrariness of these concepts or their idealist overdetermination by political economy. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 307.

2. 多元决定论的另一个主要问题是它与阿尔都塞信奉的经济对社会关系的“归根到底”(last instance)决定论相冲突,即“归根到底”,经济在一切社会中都是所有社会关系的决定因素,“我只是着重探讨所谓有效决定因素(由上层建筑、国内外特殊环境所产生)的积累对归根到底起决定左右的经济因素的影响”。 ——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:29-30

2. Another major problem with overdetermination is that it conflicts with Althusser’s commitment to the ‘last instance’ thesis; that the economy is ‘in the last instance’ the determinant for all social relations in every possible society: ‘it is sufficient to retain from him [Engels] what should be called the accumulation of effective determinations (deriving from the superstructures and from special national and international circumstances) on the determination in the last instance by the economic.’ -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2000: 19.

3. 阿尔都塞首先开启了这种观念的先河:为了多元决定论而牺牲了归根结底决定论,并且把偶然性和必然性纳入到一种新的关系中,在这种关系中,“只有作为偶然性领域的部分限制,必然性才存在”。 ——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:31

3. Althusser is turned on his head; the last instance thesis sacrificed to overdetermination, and contingency and necessity brought into a new kind of relationship, where ‘necessity only exists as a partial limitation of the field of contingency’. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2000: 20.


例句 1:
Violence aesthetics derived from the movie field which is the presentation of the formal beauty in the movie “Violence aesthetics” spread from the movie field to the cultural field and has become a cultural phenomenon. With more concern of “violence aesthetics”, we need further study the relationships among post-industrial society post-modernism, audience psychology and violence aesthetics,under the guidance of surdetermination.

例句 2:
Althusser took society forms of “surdetermination” as a precondition, took “lecture symptomale” as a tool to explain ideology. He thought that, ideology was a kind of unconscious structure which was objective, ideology had no history but existed for ever, and ideology was material existence, ideology was individual illusion about whose living condition.

例句 3:
Overdetermination is an important part of Althusser ideo





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