

字词 《社会主义必须摆脱贫穷》


To Uphold Socialism We Must Eliminate Poverty


Deng Xiaoping. Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3) [C]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1995: 221.


《社会主义必须摆脱贫穷》邓小平1987年4月26日会见捷克斯洛伐克总理什特劳加尔时谈话的一部分。编入《邓小平文选》第3卷。总结了过去的经验教训,指出:最根本的一条经验教训,就是要弄清什么叫社会主义和共产主义,怎样搞社会主义。搞社会主义必须根据本国的实际。现在虽说我们也在搞社会主义,但事实上不够格。只有到了下世纪中叶,达到了中等发达国家的水平,才能说真的搞了社会主义,才能理直气壮地说社会主义优于资本主义。现在我们正在向这个路上走。(金炳华,2003:857)邓小平在接见外宾时指出:“搞社会主义,一定要使生产力发达,贫穷不是社会主义。我们坚持社会主义,要建设对资本主义具有优越性的社会主义,首先必须摆脱贫穷。”这既是对“文革”当中“四人帮”一伙“宁要贫穷的社会主义和共产主义,不要富裕的资本主义”的谬论的批判,又是后来关于社会主义的本质“是解放生产力,发展生产力,消灭剥削,消除两极分化,最终达到共同富裕”这一论断的直观、简洁而又深刻的概括表述。“贫穷不是社会主义”已经成为新时期广大人民群众理解、实践社会主义的口号和指针。(贫穷不是社会主义.via: http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E8%B4%AB%E7%A9%B7%E4%B8%8D%E6%98%AF%E7%A4%BE%E4%BC%9A%E4%B8%BB%E4%B9%89)


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 贫穷不是社会主义.via: http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E8%B4%AB%E7%A9%B7%E4%B8%8D%E6%98%AF%E7%A4%BE%E4%BC%9A%E4%B8%BB%E4%B9%89


1. 中国科学技术落后,困难比较多,特别是人口太多,现在就有十亿五千万,增加 人民的收入很不容易,短期内要摆脱贫困落后状态很不容易。——《邓小平文选》,1993:224.

1. Our first conclusion was that we had to uphold socialism and that to do that we had, above all, to eliminate poverty and backwardness, greatly expand the productive forces and demonstrate the superiority of socialism over capitalism. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1995: 221-222.

2. 中国科学技术落后,困难比较多,特别是人口太多,现在就有十亿五千万,增加人民的收入很不容易,短期内要摆脱贫困落后状态很不容易。必须一切从实际出发,不能把目标定得不切实际,也不能把时间定得太短。——《邓小平文选》,1993:224.

2. China lags behind in science and technology. We have quite a few problems to solve, especially the problem of our huge population, which already stands at 1.05 billion. This makes it very difficult for us to raise the people’s income and to eliminate poverty and backwardness in a short time. In everything we do we must proceed from reality, seeing to it that our targets are realistic and that enough time is allowed to fulfill them. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1995: 222.

3. 所以,搞社会主义,一定要使生产力发达,贫穷不是社会主义。我们坚持社会主义,要建设对资本主义具有优越性的社会主义,首先必须摆脱贫穷。——《邓小平文选》,1993:225.

3. So, to build socialism it is necessary to develop the productive forces. Poverty is not socialism. To uphold socialism, a socialism that is to be superior to capitalism, it is imperative first and foremost to eliminate poverty. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1995: 223.


例句 1:
Although DISCUSSING COOPERATION and INSISTING ON SOCIALISM TO GET RID OF POVERTY were written in different time and different country, there are many striking similarities between them.Nowadays, the views of Lenin could still be use for reference to socialist modernization construction in China.





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