

字词 原因和结果


cause and effect


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 43.






1. 延迟和失望可以解决,但是一个开放的运动领域却不可能解决,在那里没固定的位置,社会原因和结果之间也没有必然的联系。控制在这个舞台上已经瓦解,并且广而言之马克思主义的规划也是如此。然而,这绝不是否认,与具有排他性思维的总体化理论相比,这样一种开放性为解放政治提供了广泛多样的选择,并且多元主义依赖那些选择而得以繁荣发展。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:263-264

1. Deferral and disappointment can be coped with, but not an open playing field where there are no fixed positions or necessary connections between social causes and effects. Control breaks down at that stage, and so to a large extent does the Marxist project. There is no denying, however, that such openness offers a wider range of options for an emancipatory politics than an exclusion-minded totalizing theory does, and pluralism thrives on options. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 169.

2. 黑格尔从存在进到本质,进到辩证法。在这里他研究反思的规定,它们的内在的对立和矛盾,例如正和负,然后就进到因果性或原因和结果的关系,并以必然性做结束。杜林先生也没有什么不同。黑格尔叫做本质论的东西,杜林先生把它译成“存在的逻辑特性”。但是这种特性首先在于“力的对抗”,在于对立。至于矛盾,杜林先生是根本否认的;关于这个问题,我们以后再回头来谈。然后,他就转到因果性,从这里再转到必然性。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:50

2. From being Hegel passes to essence, to dialectics. Here he deals with the determinations of reflection, their internal antagonisms and contradictions, as for example, positive and negative; he then comes to causality or the relation of cause and effect and ends with necessity. Not otherwise Herr Dühring. What Hegel calls the doctrine of essence Herr Dühring translates into "logical properties of being" These, however, consist above all in the "antagonism of forces", in opposites. Contradiction, however, Herr Dühring absolutely denies; we will return to this point later. Then he passes over to causality, and from this to necessity. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 43.

3. 同一和差异——必然性和偶然性——原因和结果——这是两个主要的对立,当它们被分开来考察时,都互相转化。于是必须求助于“根据”。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》:558

3. Identity and difference—necessity and chance—cause and effect—the two main opposites which, treated separately, become transformed into one another. And then "first principles" must help. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 497.


例句 1:
At present, the so-called domestic mainstream economics tend to study the market economy in following way: inverting causes and results about the development of the western market economy; not taking into account the history, politics and ideology in market economy theory; reverting the means and ends, giving supremacy to the market; Simply copying the market economic theory, and policy measures of the developed countries in Europe and America. To sum up, the fundamental reason behind all these tendencies is that the Western market economy theory and reality haven't been digested completely and that China's national conditions haven't been studied in depth. The immature theory often leads to deviation, error, or even wrong in specific practice of reform.

例句 2:
Annals of Zuo regarding the historical fact unique reason explanation, has manifested author's opinion; But each reason and the result constituted the most basic narrative unit.

例句 3:





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