

字词 压抑


suppression; repression


[1] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 18) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1978: 317.
[2] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 190.


压抑是奥地利心理学家弗洛伊德在《精神分析引论》中提出的哲学概念,具体是指一种无意识的且能够拒绝本能意识的心理活动。弗洛伊德在《精神分析引论》中认为,压抑的实质在于把无意识排斥在意识之外。压抑存在原始压抑和真正压抑之分。前者是指拒绝代表本能的心理概念进入意识,后者是指当人们被压抑的本能心理的派生物被阻于意识之外时形成的的压抑心理。“当派生物离开被压抑的本能有一定距离,并可以进入意识时,便使一部分本能得到升华。”(金炳华,2003:962)弗洛伊德指出,在日常生活中,人们焦虑、烦躁的精神类疾病的原因就在于压抑,这是因为压抑通常表现为反抗潜意识化为意识的企图。压抑心理是一种较为普遍的病态社会心理现象。它存在于社会各年龄阶段的人群中,它与个体的挫折、失意有关,继而产生自卑、沮丧、自我封闭、焦虑、孤僻等病态心理与行为(via: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%8E%8B%E6%8A%91/17587856?fr=aladdin)。


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] via: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%8E%8B%E6%8A%91/17587856?fr=aladdin


1. 谁都知道,每个人在国外看到的是他想看到的东西。或者说,每个人在新的环境中看到的是自己本身。黑帮分子在国外看到的是最好的地主、将军和外交官。密探在那里看到的是最高尚的警官。俄国的这位自由派叛徒在巴黎看到的是心地善良的女看门人和“能干的”店铺掌柜,他们教导俄国革命家说,他们的“人道主义和利他主义的情感已经把个人要求过分压抑下去,并且往往使我们全国的普遍进步和文化发展受到损失”。——《列宁全集(第二十二卷)》,1990:96

1. It is known that everyone sees abroad what he chooses to. Or, in other words, everyone sees in new conditions his own self. A member of the Black Hundreds sees abroad splendid landlords, generals and diplomats. A secret police agent sees there the noblest policemen. A liberal Russian renegade sees in Paris well-meaning concierges and “efficient” shopkeepers who teach the Russian revolutionary that among them “humanitarian and altruistic sentiments had too much suppressed personal requirements, often to the detriment of the general progress and cultural advancement of the whole of our country”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 18), 1978: 317.

2. 威廉·赖希(Wilhelm Reich)的著作进一步强调,要在日常生活的一切领域中提高阶级意识。他强调有必要把无产阶级从一切生活领域——尤其从性领域——的压抑下解放出来。不同于大多数委员会共产主义者,赖希把希望寄托在妇女和青年身上。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:182

2. The emphasis of the raising of class consciousness in all spheres of everyday life was continued by the work of Wilhelm Reich, who emphasized the need to liberate the proletariat from repression in all spheres of life—particularly that of sex. Unlike most of the Council Communists, Reich placed his confidence in women and in the young. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 190.

3. 抑制死的本能和增进爱欲,只有在提倡多方式的性满足和普遍的“里比多”(性)释放的社会中才能达到。这包含废除一夫一妻制的性器官主权至上论。马尔科赛摈弃弗洛伊德关于无压抑的文明是不可能的观点。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:283

3. The limitation of the death instinct and the enhancement of Eros could be achieved only in a society which encouraged polymorphous sexual gratification and wide spread libidinal release. This involved the abolition of monogamic genital supremacy. Marcuse rejected Freud’s view that a non-repressive civilization was impossible. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx, 1988: 295-296.


例句 1:
The depression is a depressive personality individual collectively, in the early of 1870s, psychologists Weinberger put forward the concept of depressive personality, he thought repressive personality is the main characters of the group who avoid threat or negative information, and in 1990 he explicitly defined the repressors as low trait anxiety and high defense, and the non-repressors is the person that do not have depressive personality characteristics.

例句 2:
Novel "The True Story of Ah Q" and "little lonely widow," Wu Ma shackles of feudal society in advocating the concept of chastity, because the long-term sexual repression and to show the formation of a "serious" for the glory of abnormal psychology and unreasonable The numbness distorted behavior.

例句 3:
Repression theory is the foundation that underlies the structure of psychodynamics. Due to various meth





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