

字词 原始社会道德


morality of primitive society








1. 第一种是在所有社会生产过程中都必须存在的主体(人)和客体(自然),第二种是在私有制条件下的一些社会生产特有的(如所有制、市场交换),第三种是原始社会与共产主义社会共有的(如公有制)。马克思进一步指出,谈论生产一般更重要的是不能忘记生产的历史存在的“本质的差别”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:535

1. The first kind refers to the subjects (men) and objects (nature) that must exist in all social productive processes; the second refers to the elements of social production that exist uniquely under conditions of private property (ownership, market exchange, etc.); the third refers to elements common to primitive society and communist society (public ownership). Marx goes on to point out that it is important to not forget the “essential differences” of the historical existence of production. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 422.

2. 譬如说,恩格斯在反驳杜林先生的“永恒真理”时说,“今天向我们宣扬”三种道德,即基督教的封建的道德、资产阶级的道德和无产阶级道德,可见过去、现在和将来都有自己的道德论。米海洛夫斯基先生就这一点说道:“我认为历史分期的一切三分法,正是以过去、现在和将来三个范畴为基础的。”多么深奥啊!——《列宁全集(第一卷)》,2012:143

2. Engels, for in-stance, arguing against the “eternal truths” of Herr Dühring, says that the “morality ... preached to us today” is a threefold morality: Christian-feudal, bourgeois and proletarian, so that the past, present and future have their own theories of morality. In this connection, Mr. Mikhailovsky reasons as follows: “I think that it is the categories past, present and future that lie at the basis of all triple divisions of history into periods.” What profundity! -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1977: 179.


例句 1:
Basic types of social morality, from the perspective of historical development, investigation, can be roughly divided into the period of natural economy of social morality, the commodity economy during the period of social morality and the product economy of social ethics, but also can be divided into the original social ethics, social ethics class and communist morality; according to the size and scope of the subject of different social roles, all of hurrianity can be divided into moral, national morality and collective morality; from the role of social morality contained in the different areas are divided on the different aspects of social and moral points the social morality, professional ethics and family virtues and so on.

例句 2:
The age of Emperor Yan is an era shifting from matrilineal clan society to patrilineal clan society in China’s prim hive society. It is also a





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