

字词 历史认识论


historical epistemology


Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 408.


历史认识论是关于历史认识的理论,它与历史本体论、历史方法论或史学方法论共同构成了历史哲学。历史认识论是关于历史认识主体认识其客体的过程、特征、方法等的理论,主要涉及历史认识主体,也就是人、特别是史学家,和历史认识客体,即客观历史各自的特点;历史认识主客体二者之间的关系;历史认识过程的特点、历史认识正误的原因及其检验方法;还涉及历史认识如何对实践乃至对现实发展进程的影响。“历史本体论是关于历史本体即客观历史进程的理论认识,也即历史理论,而史学方法论则涉及手段问题,因而历史认识论成为历史哲学的主要组成部分”(许嘉璐,1991:5)。19世纪中叶,心理科学、思维科学等的发展激起了哲学对认识论的重视,历史哲学开始把研究重点从客体移到主体,从历史本体论转移到历史认识论。马克思主义的哲学认识论为科学的历史认识论奠定了坚实的基础。经典作家认为,人类的认识对象是无限的,而且人类的认识能力也是无限的,人的认识总是相对的(瞿林东,1991:5-6)。在此基础上列宁认为,“从生动的直觉到抽象的思维,并从抽象的思维到实践,这就是认识真理、认识客观实在的辩证的途径。”(中共中央编译局,1959 :181)马克思主义哲学认识论的一般原理对于科学的历史认识论的发展完善具有十分重要的指导意义。


[1] 许嘉璐.中国中学教学百科全书•历史卷[Z].沈阳出版社,1991.
[2] 瞿林东.中国中学教学百科全书•历史卷[M].沈阳出版社,1991.
[3] 中共中央编译局.列宁全集(第三十八卷)[M].人民出版社,1959.


1. 又如面对马克思的《1857—1858年经济学手稿》,在传统的研究中学者们一般仅仅将它作为经济学文本进行解读,并且以《资本论》的经济理论建构(剩余价值理论)的成熟度为评判尺度,这就极大地忽略了这个文本蕴藏着的丰富的哲学成果。而在我看来,马克思正是在这一手稿中完成了马克思主义哲学的一个重要理论创新,树立了马克思主义哲学的一个新的理论丰碑,即建立在狭义的历史唯物主义和历史认识论之上的历史现象学理论的创立。此外,在研究方法上还存在一个隐性制约的方面,那就是在原来对这一类手稿的研究中,存在着一种用马克思后来正式发表的论著来简单地评判手稿的非科学惯性思路,这使我们失去了很多重要的东西。­­——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:15

1. In so doing, they gloss over the abundant philosophical achievements of this text. I contend that in this manuscript Marx was actually completing a crucial theoretical breakthrough for Marxist philosophy, and erecting a new theoretical monument in the realm of Marxism: the theory of historical phenomenology that rises above the special theory of historical materialism and historical epistemology. Besides the problems with our subjective cognitive framework and textual taxonomy, there is another factor which often exerts unnoticed influence on our research methods: in the past, research on these manuscripts tended to use Marx’s later, formally published works to judge the non-scientific philosophical tendencies in his earlier manuscripts. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: xxxii.

2. 再次是历史认识论中的科学抽象问题。在历史唯物主义中,马克思是在与一些基于经验直观的唯物主义哲学家谈论个人的眼睛不能直接看到的社会存在的东西。我们已经界说过,马克思的社会存在不仅是指物体,而且主要是指社会生活中人们的感性活动、活动中的关系与功能性属性。用今天的复杂性科学话语来说,就是社会活动过程中的系统质与系统结构。面对这些对象,人们不能用放大镜和显微镜来观察,只有通过科学抽象的中介。­­——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:518

2. Third is the scientific abstraction in Marx’s historical epistemology. In historical materialism, Marx discusses things that exist in society but that individuals cannot directly see with their own eyes with materialist philosophers that base their logic on empirical perception. We have already seen that Marx’s social existence does not only refer to material, but primarily to perceptual activity, the relationships in that activity, and useful attributes. To use today’s complex scientific discourse, this refers to the systemic nature and systemic structure in the activity process. These objects cannot be observed by microscopes and magnifying glasses; they can only be seen through the intermediary of scientific abstraction. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 408.


例句 1:
This thesis makes a comprehensive analysis about the historical epistemology of Li Dazhao on the basis of drawing lessons from past research results.

例句 2:
In the third part of the paper, I began to study Le Goff’s comprehensions in some epistemology problems of history, as the basic core of Annales school’s methodology, the ‘problem history’ represent a profound revolution in historical epistemology. The contribution of Le Goff’s new history not only a meliorated historical epistemology, but developed it, the success of intellectual in the middle ages attributed to the selection of the issue.

例句 3:
Popper is also a historical philosopher, who proposes many original opinions on historical ontology, historical epistemology, and historical methodology, and whose historical thought is profoundly connotative.





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