

字词 拜占庭美学思想


Byzantine aesthetic idea


[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:48.
[2] Byzantine art. Via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byzantine_art


4世纪至15世纪以君士坦丁堡(今伊斯坦布尔)为中心地的反映拜占庭帝国(东罗马)官方哲学和基督教精神的美学思想。拜占庭美学思想与古希腊罗马的美学传统有紧密联系,它汲取古希腊罗马传统并加以改造使之适合新的要求,同时受到基督教的深刻影响,沦为“神学的婢女”。拜占庭美学的中心问题是形象问题,并非常重视对审美知觉的研究,肯定视觉知觉是形象化地认识真理的一种手段。8—9世纪,拜占庭美学提出了形象与原型、描绘与描绘对象的相互关系问题。大巴西勒(Basil of Caesarea,329—379)认为,绘画中的描绘与原型不相合是理所当然的事。当时的圣像破坏运动者认为形象与原型在本质上是等同的,神的原型不可能借助于神人同形的形象来加以描绘。754年君士坦丁堡宗教会议决定:“具有光荣的人性的基督”,“决不能通过人类的艺术,比照任何别的人体,以一种尘世的材料绘为图像”。圣像崇拜者认为形象与原型有区别,形象与神的原型相等同的不是“本质”,而只是“名字”。拜占庭美学的重要代表普塞罗指出,生动感人的绘画能揭开遮掩着真理的帷幕,对审美知觉起着电闪雷鸣般的轰击作用。拜占庭美学认为幻想与情感或理智一样,都是心灵所不可缺少的一种认识能力。崇高的范畴在拜占庭获得广泛的传播,成为从古希腊罗马美学概念向中世纪美学概念的一个过渡性范畴。古希腊罗马美学与艺术以美为象征,拜占庭美学与艺术则以崇高为象征。它对中世纪欧洲各国,尤其是东正教国家的艺术有巨大影响。拜占庭美学成为文艺复兴时期美学思想的来源之一(朱立元,2014:379)。




1. 工人骚动早在拜占庭皇帝吉农的统治时代就招来了特别法(Zeno, de nois operibus constitution(吉农的新劳动条例));工人骚动在14世纪爆发为扎克雷起义和瓦特·泰勒起义,1518年“爆发为”伦敦的evil May-day(五月黑道日),1549年“爆发为”制革匠凯特的大起义;后来工人骚动招来了在爱德华六世统治的第二年和第三年所颁布的第十五号法令以及一系列类似的议会法令;紧接着在1640年和1659年(这一年之中有八次起义),在巴黎发生了骚动,从14世纪起,根据当时的法律来判断,骚动在法国和英国一定是常有的现象;在英国从1770年起,在法国从革命时起,工人经常用暴力和计谋进行反对资产阶级的连绵不断的战争。对圣麦克斯来说,所有这一切骚动仅仅是“正如德国报纸所报道的”,“时而在这里时而在那里”,在西里西亚、波兹南、马格德堡和柏林发生的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1960:222

1. Workers' disturbances, which even under the Byzantine Emperor Zeno led to the promulgation of a law (Zeno, de novis operibvs constitutio), which "flared up " in the fourteenth century in the form of the Jacquerie and Wat Tyler's rebellion, in 1518 on the Evil May Day in London, and in 1549 in the great uprising of the tanner Kett, and later gave rise to Act 15 of the second and third year of the reign of Edward VI, and a series of similar Acts of Parliament; the disturbances which soon afterwards, in 1640 and 1659 (eight uprisings in one year), took place in Paris and which already since the fourteenth century must have been frequent in France and England, judging by the legislation of the time; the constant war which since 1770 in England and since the revolution in France has been waged with might and cunning by the workers against the bourgeoisie—all this exists for Saint Max only "here and there", in Silesia, Poznan, Magdeburg and Berlin, "according to German newspaper reports". -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 204.

2. 它只能作为一种艺术品被从美学上来加以构造,或者就象在康德派的历史哲学中那样,必须被看作是借以实现永恒的、超历史的伦理原则的自身无感觉的材料。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思辩证法的研究》,1996:102

2. Its only possible organisation would be aesthetic, as if it were a work of art. Or else, as in the philosophy of history of the Kantians, it must be seen as the instrument, senseless in itself, by means of which timeless, suprahistorical, ethical principles are realised. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 49.


例句 1:

例句 2:
Psevdo-dionysius was not only a renowned scholar of aesthetics of the Byzantine Empire but also of the whole Europe in the Middle Ages. The research on his theory is still in its beginning stage. To have a comprehensive understanding of aesthetics of the Middle Ages, Psevdo-dionysius is an indispensable character in this field.





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