

字词 惰性实践


the practico-inert


McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1998: 316.


惰性实践是法国20世纪最重要的哲学家之一,法国无神论存在主义的主要代表人物,西方社会主义最积极的鼓吹者之一让-保罗·萨特(Jean-Paul Sartre,1905—1980)所使用的哲学术语。萨特在其著作《辩证理性批判》一书中探讨了惰性实践的问题,他以惰性实践的概念为核心来揭示物的指令体系以及这一体系对个体生存的决定性影响。惰性实践就是使人的创造性力量逆转为制约人的惰性力量的实践,是人类社会历史发展中的消极动力。惰性实践否定了人的劳动本质,使劳动作为惰性的行为和总体来反对一切人。因此,由匮乏引起的实践反而成为人的自由生存的障碍,这正是人类实践的内在困境(仰海峰,2009:114)。在萨特看来,惰性实践构成了一个完全物化的世界,这个世界消除了人在行动中所具有的否定能力。想要消除这种惰性实践,只有通过个体以及由此形成的群体的实践。个体的行动一方面作为破坏的力量打破物化结构,另一方面使生命与实践重新回辩证统一(仰海峰,2009:119)。




1. 在题为“从个人实践到惰性实践”的冗长一节中,萨特描述了个人间最初的社会关系出现的方式。萨特从下述原理出发,即“辩证法研究的最重要发现是,正如物以人为‘中介’那样,在同样程度上,人也以物为‘中介’”,把物质匮乏这一概念置于这种中介关系的中心位置。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:303

1. In a long section entitled ‘From Individual Praxis to the Practico-Inert’ Sartre then described the way in which the primary social relations of individuals emerged. Starting from the principle that ‘the crucial discovery of dialectical investigation is that man is “mediated” by things to the same extent as things are “mediated” by man’, Sartre placed the concept of material scarcity at the centre of this mediation. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 316.

2. 萨特举例说,一个中国农民为了扩大其耕地面积而把田地里的树木砍刀,结果却发现,(由于邻居也照此行事)他的田地如今也被无法阻挡的洪水冲毁了。这就是“惰性实践”的力量,即一种异化状态。在这种异化状态中,无数个人实践的结果逃脱了实践者的控制,并使他们的谋划归于失败。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:303-304

2. Sartre gave an example of a Chinese peasant who felled trees on his land to improve his cultivable acreage and found—since his neighbors had done the same—that his land was now destroyed by unchecked floods. This was the power of the ‘practico-inert’, a state of alienation in which the result of the praxes of individuals escaped their control and frustrated their designs. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 317.

3. 个体实践的局限性最终就在于,即注定导致序列消融在一个生动而错综复杂的共同体中,使个体空间和实践的发展上受到有组织的个人无法逾越的法规的限制。并且,群体在其自身以外,即在它本想借以自行约束的无组织的外在性的某些被动性规定中,去发现它自己的存在。当异化用惰性实践领域来代替个人的自由实践领域时,群体便在对抗性异化中形成;但它并不比个人更能逃避异化,相反,它由此陷入序列的消极被动状态内。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:304-305

3. Such ultimately, are the limits of its praxis: born to dissolve series in the living synthesis of a community, it is blocked in its spatiotemporal development by the untranscendable statute of organic individuality and finds its being, outside itself, in the passive determinations of inorganic exteriority which it had wished to repress in itself. It is formed in opposition to alienation, in so far as alienation substitutes the practico-inert field for the free practical field of the individual; but it cannot escape alienation any more than the individual can, and it thereby relapses into serial passivity. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 318.


例句 1:
Moving from the individual praxis, Sartre found the relationship of reciprocity between individual praxis which is intermediated by the substance and third-party. However, this relationship of reciprocity just transcends the distributed individual praxis it has not achieved a unified practice. The first unified praxis is achieved by the necessity of materiality as a totalized totality (praxis-inert I).





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