

字词 后现代




Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 288.


后现代一词最早出现于1870年,当时一位叫恰普曼(J. M. Chapman)的英国画家以此词指称他认为的比法国印象派更现代、更前卫的绘画法。到20世纪上半叶, 后现代一词被较多使用。德国学者潘诺维兹(Rudolf Pamnowits)在1917年出版的《欧洲文化之危机》一书中以“后现代”描述当时欧洲文化的虚无主义和价值崩溃现象。二战后,撒莫维尔(D. C. Somervell)和汤恩比用后现代(post-Modernage)一词指称西方历史中起始于1875年、继黑暗时期(675—1075)、中古时期(1075—1475)和现代时期(1475—1875)之后的历史时期,战争、骚动和革命是这一时期的特征。美国文化史学家罗森伯格(Bernard Rosenberg)和经济学家德鲁克(Peter Drucker)则用“后现代世界”一词描述20世纪50、60年代的社会情形。美国社会学家米尔斯在《社会学的想象力》中用后现代表示与现代时期不同的新历史时期。20世纪六七十年代,由于后现代一词在文学艺术等领域中的广泛运用,“后现代”一词以及“后现代主义”等术语在文化和社会生活的各个领域中广泛流行。90年代以来,越来越多人主张对“后现代”与“后现代主义”等术语加以区分,指出“后现代”是比“后现代性”、“后现代主义”、“后现代化”等术语更为一般的概念(谢立中,2001:110)。在后现代结构潮流中,后现代是对“表象”、“本质”地位的颠倒,这与“meta”所预示的的时间滞后性有关。因为“本质”尽管看起来更加完满、深刻,但“表象”却能更为真实地被感觉到的,“本质”只是因为有了“表象”之后才被建构起来的,“本质”在时间上的为人所知是处于“表象”之后的(肖炜静,2015:6)。


[1] 谢立中.“后现代性”及其相关概念辨析[J].社会科学研究,2001(5).
[2] 肖炜静.“meta”:“后”与“元”悖论下隐含的合法性危机[J].中山大学研究生学刊(社会科学版),2015(4).


1. 以我的看法,施蒂纳的这个“唯一者”,实际上更接近后来尼采的“超人”,即在新人本主义中反对古典人本主义类本质的个人,甚至,这个以无为本的“唯一者”还会是今天后现代思潮中的“人”、“主体”和“作者”死亡后的那种存在自由状况的先驱;而他的“无”,也不仅仅是政治上的无政府,而是一种在本体论意义上的彻底的消解和自由,是对传统哲学形而上学的第一次根本颠覆。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:373

1. According to my understanding, Stirner’s “own” is actually closer to Nietzsche’s “overman,” in that it proposed a new humanism in opposition to the species-essence individual of classical humanism. This “own”, which is based on nothing, can even be thought of as the precursor to the free state of existence of “man”, “subject”, and “author” in today’s post-modern philosophy. Its “nothing” not only refers to political anarchy, but also to an ontologically complete abolition and freedom; this was the first fundamental overthrow of traditional metaphysics. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 288.

2. 施蒂纳看到,“随着资产阶级时代开始了自由主义时代”,他却发现资产阶级的自由主义仍然在追求一种统治,与中世纪的神的统治不同,这一次是“一种理性的统治自由主义者之所以是狂热者,并非因为信仰、因为神,而恰恰是因为理性:他们的主人”,而“一旦理性占有统治地位,个性就要甘拜下风”。由此施蒂纳认为,资产阶级的自由主义让抽象的理性成为现实的个人的主人,这种思想还是无法摆脱概念的奴役。这种思想与今天的后现代思潮也是相通的。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:379

2. Stirner observes that “With the time of the bourgeoisie begins that of liberalism,” seeing, however, that bourgeois liberalism still seeks to rule. Unlike the rule of medieval God, this is a “dominion of reason”. “The liberals are zealots, not exactly for the faith, for God, but certainly for reason, their master.” However, “if reason rules, then the person succumbs.” Thus Stirner believes that bourgeois liberalism makes abstract reason the master of real men; this line of thought is still unable to escape slavery to concepts. This is also similar to today’s post-modern philosophy. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 292.

3. 经过《伦敦笔记》中的思考,马克思已经可以进一步指出,独立的个人只是一个历史的结果,而不是前提。这让人想起20世纪福柯的后现代断言:“人,是一个晚近的发明”。在马克思看来,斯密、李嘉图的抽象的单个人,只是一种“美学上的假象”,只是在18世纪对资产阶级社会中人类生存情境的一种“缺乏想象力”的预感。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:532

3. After his thinking in London Notes, Marx was able to further point out that independent individuals were a historical result, not a premise. This reminds one of Foucault’s post-modern declaration: “Man is a recent invention.” In Marx’s opinion the abstract individuals of Smith and Ricardo are only an “aesthetic semblance,” an unimaginative prophecy of the circumstances of human subsistence in bourgeois society in the 18th century. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 419.


例句 1:
Studies both at home and abroad focus on the tragic theme and the metafictional features of the novel. Distinguishing from the previous studies, this thesis analyzes Atonement from the perspective of postmodern realism.

例句 2:
Arising from 1980s and affected by the western postmodernism, “New realist novel” has become one of the post-modernism literature’s variants and a part of Chinese post-modernism literature. Reference to creating practice, this thesis holds that new realist novel has a outstanding tendency of postmodernism aesthetics.

例句 3:
“Post-Modern” ideas which are adapted to the post-industrial era are produced in western capitalist countries in the 1960s.





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