

字词 随意性


arbitrariness; casualty


[1] Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics [M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1971: 150.
[2] Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 284.




[1] 随意性.via:
[2] 周一平.毛泽东研究中的随意性断想——以朱毛红军与古田会议相关书为例[J].党史研究与教学,2014(05).


1. 例如李凯尔特,他的这种历史观具有最发展的、思想上最精致的形式,他这样谈到过研究“自己的文化环境(Ku1turkreis)”的历史学家:“如果历史学家基于对他所隶属的集体(Gemeinschaft)的价值的考虑,来构他她的概念,那末他的描述的客观性将完全能依赖于实际材料的正确性,同时究竟是过去的这个事件,还是那个事件才是主要的这样一个问题就根本不会出现。如果他,举例来说,把艺术的发展和美的文化价值,把国家的发展和政治的文化价值联系起来的话,他就会摆脱任何随意性,只要他放弃非历史的价值判断,那末他提出的描述对于任何一个把美的文化价值或政治的文化价值认作为普遍适用于他的集体成员的人来说,就都是适用的。”——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:230

1. Thus to take this view of history at its most developed and most highly articulated we may consider Rickert’s arguments with regard to the historian who studies “his own cultural environment”. He claims that: “If the historian forms his concepts with an eye on the values of the community to which he himself belongs, the objectivity of his presentation will depend entirely on the accuracy of his factual material, and the question of whether this or that event in the past is crucial will not even arise. He will be immune from the charge of arbitrariness, as long as he relates, e.g. the history of art to the aesthetic values of his culture and the history of the state to its political values and, so long as he refrains from making unhistorical value-judgments, he will create a mode of historical narrative that is valid for all who regard political or aesthetic values as normative for the members of his community.” -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 150-151.

2. 随意性和主观性被从个别事实的素材中,从对这些事实的判断中挪进了标准本身,挪进了“有效的文化价值”中,对于“有效的文化价值”的评价,甚至对它们的有效性的研究,在这种基础上将是不可能的:“文化价值”对历史学家来说成了自在之物。这是一种结构的发展,我们可以从本文第一部分对经济学和法学的考察中,发现存在着类似的情况。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:230-231

2. The arbitrariness and subjectivity are transformed from the material of the particular facts and from judgments on these into the criterion itself, into the “prevailing cultural values”. And to judge or even investigate the validity of these values is not possible within that framework; for the historian the “cultural values” become the thing-in-itself; a structural process analogous to those we observed in economics and jurisprudence in Section I. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 19:71: 151.

3. 马克思此处的思路十分清晰,一个商品价值属性的基础是抽象劳动,而使用价值属性的基础则是具体劳动,换句话说,具体劳动和抽象劳动只是同一个生产商品的劳动过程,它们绝对不是两个二元实在的东西。鲍德里亚对使用价值的兴趣似乎尤深,他觉得,这个使用价值的基础是具体的质性的劳动。可是,鲍德里亚总是要忘记但凡马克思提及使用价值,必然都只是指商品的使用价值,马克思从来不在一般和普遍的意义上使用使用价值,这是鲍德里亚分析中的随意性。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:209

3. Marx’s idea is very clear here: For a commodity, its value is based on abstract labor, and use value on concrete labor, in other words, concrete labor and abstract labor are both at one production process of the same item, not two dual substances. Baudrillard seems to be more fascinated by use value, which, to him, is founded on the concrete, qualitative labor. (However, Baudrillard always forgets the fact that every time Marx mentions use value he refers to the use value of commodity. Marx never employs use value in its general or universal sense. It is another proof of Baudrillard’s casualty in his analysis.). -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 284.


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