字词 | 集体产权 |
释义 | 集体产权【英】collective property right译文来源Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. via: http://english.gov.cn/premier/news/2016/03/17/content_281475309417987.htm 定义集体产权指在转型经济中由集体(或社区)所有成员共同拥有和行使并对非集体(或非社区)成员具有排他性的产权。在转型经济中,它与私人产权和国有产权一起共同构成基本的产权形式。集体产权强调集体成员的身份特征。由于我国的集体产权是在原有集体单位的基础上形成的,集体内人员原有依附于单位的性质在经济财产权利凸现时,就变成必有的权利诉求。可以发现其中隐含着成员权是集体产权的基础这一命题,并且实践中的集体产权也正是按照这一命题来运作的。成员权是一种建立在共同体成员身份和关系基础上的共享权利,表明的是产权嵌入于社会关系网络的状态。实际上,成员权成为界定集体产权的基本准则。因此,集体产权只是集体成员在集体中的成员身份具有的经济权利束的综合体现,集体产权对集体外人员的排他性和集体成员的成员权的稳定共享性是缺一不可的。也就是说,一个人要拥有某种集体产权就必须首先确定自己的集体成员身份特征,即成为该集体的一名正式成员(万举,2007:77-78)。 定义来源万举.公共产权、集体产权与中国转型经济[J].财经问题研究,2007(5). 例句1. 积极发展多种形式农业适度规模经营,完善对家庭农场、专业大户、农民合作社等新型经营主体的扶持政策,鼓励农户依法自愿有偿流转承包地,开展土地股份合作、联合或土地托管。深化农村集体产权、农垦、集体林权、国有林场、农田水利、供销社等改革。——《2016年政府工作报告》 1. There is much to be gained in this, and it must be carried out to full effect. We will promote the development of suitably scaled-up agricultural operations in diversified forms and improve policy support for family farms, large and specialized agricultural family operations’ farming cooperatives, and other emerging forms of agribusiness. We will encourage farmers, on a voluntary basis and in accordance with relevant laws, to transfer the land they contract to work on in return for compensation, enter into cooperation or association based on land as shares, or place their land under trusteeship. We will deepen the reform of the rural collective property rights system, state farms on reclaimed land, collective forest tenure, state forestry farms, farmland irrigation and water conservancy, and rural supply and marketing cooperatives. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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