

字词 卡特尔




Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 22) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974: 271.


系法语cartel的音译,原意为同盟或协定,这里特指资本主义垄断组织的一种极为普通但极为重要的形式,即是生产同类商品的资本主义企业为垄断市场,攫取高额垄断利润,通过签订各种协定如划分商品的销售市场范围、规定商品的产量限额、确定商品的销售价格等而组成的垄断联盟。参加卡特尔的企业,要受所订协议的约束,如果违反协议,必定处于罚款并负法律责任。参加协议的企业在生产上、商业上和法律上保持自己的独立性,当情况对参加者不利时,可以退出卡特尔。卡特尔的垄断组织形式不很稳定,在卡特尔内部,各资本主义企业为了争夺有利的销售市场和扩大销售限额进行着激烈的竞争,一旦企业之间的经济实力对比发生了变化,原来的卡特尔就会解体,就要求重新按照新的经济实力对比状况签订协议,组合新的卡特尔。因此,卡特尔的存在一般很难超过5—10年。卡特尔的活动一般限于流通领域。卡特尔最早在1857年出现于德国。1896年即发展到250个,1911年迅速增至600个,卡特尔成为当时德国全部经济生活的基础,德国也因为被称为卡特尔的国家。在欧洲其它一些国家如英国、法国、奥地利,卡特尔也曾盛行一时。第二次世界大战以后,卡特尔在日本也有了迅速的发展。随着垄断资本的国际化和各资本主义大企业力量的不断增强,出现了国际卡特尔。(廖盖隆等,1993:644)。根据协定内容的不同,卡特尔的类型分别有: 规定销售条件的卡特尔,规定销售范围的卡特尔,限定产量的卡特尔,分配利润的卡特尔,等等。随着经济的国际化,卡特尔的发展也超出国界。各国大垄断组织之间在激烈竞争中建立的国际卡特尔,成为国际垄断同盟的一种重要形式(罗肇鸿等,1995:105)。迄今为止世界上最著名的卡特尔当属欧佩克(石油输出国组织)卡特尔。(《卡特尔》,via: http://baike.sogou.com/v123084.htm?fromTitle=%E5%8D%A1%E7%89%B9%E5%B0%94)。


[1] 廖盖隆,孙连成,陈有进.马克思主义百科要览•上卷[Z].人民日报出版社,1993.
[2] 罗肇鸿,王怀宁.资本主义大辞典[Z].人民出版社.1995.
[3] 卡特尔.via:http://baike.sogou.com/v123084.htm?fromTitle=%E5%8D%A1%E7%89%B9%E5%B0%94


1. 考茨基写道,“从纯粹经济的观点看来,资本主义不是不可能再经历一个新的阶段,即把卡特尔政策应用到对外政策上的超帝国主义的阶段。也就是全世界各帝国主义彼此联合而不是互相斗争的阶段,在资本主义制度下停止战争的阶段,“实行国际联合的金融资本共同剥削世界”的阶段。——《列宁全集(第二十七卷)》,1990:407

1. “From the purely economic point of view,” writes Kautsky, “it is not impossible that capitalism will yet go through a new phase, that of the extension of the policy of the cartels to foreign policy, the phase of ultra-imperialism,” i.e., of a super imperialism, of a union of the imperialisms of the whole world and not struggles among them, a phase when wars shall cease under capitalism, a phase of “the joint exploitation of the world by internationally united finance capital”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 22), 1974: 271.

2. 可见,伯恩施坦根本就不认为危机是不可避免的,相反,他相信托拉斯、卡特尔等的存在能够使资本主义近乎无限期地存活下去。确实,他甚至说过,资本主义的这种和谐发展将使它不被打断地走向社会主义。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:24

2. So far, therefore, from thinking that crisis was inevitable, Bernstein believed that the existence of trusts, cartels, etc., enabled capitalism to survive almost indefìnitely. Indeed, he even said that this harmonious development of capitalism could lead through uninterruptedly to socialism. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 27-28.

3. 伯恩施坦把卡特尔之类视为资本主义自我调节的工具,而在考茨基看来,它们恰恰是这个制度最终衰落、“自由”竞争终结与社会崩溃迫近的明证。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:24

3. Whereas Bernstein regarded cartels, etc., as a means of capitalist self-regulation, for Kautsky they were evidence of the final involution of the system, the end of ‘free’ competition and the imminence of a collapse. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 28.


例句 1:
As the most serious anti-monopoly behavior, the price cartels is strictly regulated in
foreigner laws.

例句 2:
“Hard-core cartels” refers to a set of anti-competitive agreements, cooperative practices, and arrangements entered into by competitors, including price fixing, collusive bidding, output restriction, quota setting, and sharing or segmenting the market by dividing the consumers, suppliers, regions or business channels.

例句 3:
Chapter one mainly analyses the state of export cartel regulated unilaterally by the competition law from various legal unit, disclosing the conflict of the current competition law regulation.





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