









[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.
[2] 彭克宏,马国泉.社会科学大词典[Z].中国国际广播出版社,1989.


1. 忧心忡忡的穷人甚至对最美丽的景色都没有什么感觉;贩卖矿物的商人只看到矿物的商业价值,而看不到矿物的美和特性;他没有矿物学的感觉。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十二卷)》,1979:126

1. The care-burdened, poverty-stricken man has no sense for the finest play; the dealer in minerals sees only the commercial value but not the beauty and the specific character of the mineral: he has no mineralogical sense. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1975: 302.

2. 斯多葛派“关于自然界会说”,物理学是对哲学家最重要的科学之一;他们甚至还因此而致力于进一步发展赫拉克利特的物理学;他们“还会说”,ωρα,即男性美,是应该由个体来体现的最高的东西,并且他们恰恰歌颂与自然界相协调的生活,尽管他们在这里陷入了矛盾。根据斯多葛派的意见,哲学分为三个科目:“物理学、伦理学、逻辑学”。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1956:144

2. The Stoics were able to “say about nature” that physics is one of the most important sciences for the philosopher and consequently they even went to the trouble of further developing the physics of Heraclitus; they were “further able to say” that the ωρα, masculine beauty, is the highest that the individual could represent, and glorified life in tune with nature, although they fell into contradictions in so doing. According to the Stoics, philosophy is divided into three doctrines: “physics, ethics, logic”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 139.

3. 我觉得,头顶着辩证星丛,心中的道德律令换成了美的音诗,这种东西,恐怕难逃美学浪漫主义的罗网。平心而论,阿多诺在批判他人时,真是气壮山阿式的威猛,可一候让他拿出自己的东西来.就明显气短一截,关键处常常语焉不详,不忍卒读。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:31

3. I think, underneath the dialectic constellation, the moral law within has been replacedby the musical poem of beauty, which I am afraid would fall into the category of aesthetic Romanticism. Frankly speaking, when he is criticizing others, Adorno’s vigor is absolutely undaunted; however, when presenting his own ideas, his ego wou1d not be as lofty. When it comes to something pivotal, he is always equivocal and unintelligible. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 55.


例句 1:
The elegance, profound and subtle beauty, wabisabi beauty and plain & quiet beauty are four typical aesthetic consciousness of ancient Japanese literature and culture.

例句 2:
This paper studies the important systems in abstract algebra and starts with the establishment and expansion of abstract algebra and the logic foundation of system organization, to discuss the scientific rationality of abstract algebra, and then to analyze the simplicity beauty of mathematical structures, beauty of theoretical structure and that of theoretical reality, and where from to revel the perfect beauty orientation and humanistic connotation.

例句 3:
This paper argues that the so-called return of beauty propagated in the aesthetic discourse is actually a return of the topic “beauty.” The paper puts forward three in support of the argument.





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