

字词 社会民主主义


social democracy; social democratic (adj.)


[1] Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. London: Routledge, 2001: 10.
[2] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 94.






1. 霍尔指出了20世纪80年代社会主义陷入困境三个主要原因:(1)斯大林主义;(2)意识形式范式的转变;(3)激进右翼的崛起。斯大林主义和东方阵营的“现实存在的社会主义”带来了令人沮丧的消息:社会主义可能犯下了严重的错误。 带来福利国家的社会民主主义共识变得骄傲自满,因而容易受到右翼的攻击。通过借助许多仍然深藏在工人阶级经验中的偏见,激进右翼作出了持续的努力,试图再一次把自己转变成平民主义力量。­­——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:14.

1. Hall identifies three main reasons for socialism falling on hard times in the 1980s: Stalinism, an ideological paradigm shift, and the rise of the radical right. Stalinism, and the `actually existing socialism’ of the Eastern bloc, carries with it the depressing message that socialism can go badly wrong; the social democratic consensus that led to the establishment of the welfare state has become complacent, and thus vulnerable to attack from the right; the radical right has made a sustained effort to turn itself into a populist force once more by appealing to many of the prejudices that are still buried deep within working-class experience. The people can be colonized by the right, as Hall neatly puts it, in a process whereby we can observe, in another neatly turned phrase, ‘the naturalization of the right’. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 10.

2. 在随后几章中,列宁持与普列汉诺夫和阿克雪里罗得相同的观点,详尽地阐述了他对社会民主主义意识的看法,这其中包含了对社会经济状况的深入了解和对各个阶级的展望。而对无产阶级来说,由于其“经济”斗争太狭隘了,因而不可能获得这种觉悟(对无产阶级,列宁从来不谈“阶级意识”或“阶级觉悟”的问题)。列宁附和普列汉诺夫和阿克雪里罗得的观点,坚持认为,如果放任自流,无产阶级将不可避免地追随资产阶级的意识形态。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2004:87

2. In subsequent chapters and in line with Plekhanov and Axelrod, Lenin elaborated his ideas on Social Democratic consciousness. This involved an intensive knowledge of the socio-economic situation and prospects of every class. It was therefore impossible for the proletariat, whose ‘economic’ struggle was too narrow, to achieve this consciousness. (Lenin never talked of ‘class consciousness’ with regard to the proletariat.) Echoing Plekhanov and Axelrod, Lenin maintained that the proletariat, left to itself, would inevitably follow bourgeois ideology. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 94.

3. 近百年欧洲社会民主党与自由主义政党在意识形态方面相互斗一争又互相渗透的历史是涉及欧洲社会民主党评价的关键命题。社会民主党继承了启蒙主义“自由、平等、博爱”的口号,并把平等扩大到分享社会福利方面,欧洲社会福利国家的成就即是社会民主主义方案的历史功绩。与此同时,从伯恩施坦到布莱尔的“第三条道路”,欧洲社会民主党经历了三次自由主义化之后,日益与自由主义政党趋同,并最终放弃了用社会主义取代资本主义制度的目标。——《社会民主主义与自由主义的相互渗透——欧洲社会民主党的历史演变》,2006:16

3. The ideological combat, the interaction and infiltration between European social democratic Parties and feral parties in around hundred yeah passed are vitally important factors to reason Democratic Parties in Europe. While taking over the ideas of “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity” from Didacticism and extending the idea of “equality” into the field of social welfare, social democracy takes the results from the building of welfare-estates as one of its historical achievements. In the meantime, from Bernstein to Blair’s “Third Way”, and through liberalization for three times, European democratic Parties are increasingly getting closer to feral parties and in the end, give up their goal to replace capitalist system by Socialism. -Quoted from Interaction of Social Democracy and Liberalism Evolution of social Democracy in Europe, 2014: 32.


例句 1:
The fifth chapter is Change of British democratic socialist labour theory after the Cold War, This chapter is the second key content of this paper, Introduces the theory and practice of the British Labour Party Blair government Third Road, From the rise of the third road, explore the Blair "new labour" social democratic practice, And  compare with Blair "new labour" social democracy and democratic socialism of  British traditional, discusses the theoretical reflection and practice of democratic socialism theory of the British Labour Party.

例句 2:
The Western Social Democratic Thought has a great influence on Modern China and Contemporary China. This article has taken a systematical combing on this influence historically. On basis of the combing, we provide satisfactory answers for this kind of questions, such as “Why Social Democracy cannot save Modern China?” “Why  Democratic Socialism isn’t suitable for Contempo





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