

字词 动机与效果


motive and effect




动机与效果是伦理学中关于道德评价的一对重要概念,是道德行为过程的两个方面(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=PpzjI3q3auk03id4nwFPEFv3SRKfXZX2KP0K-SL82Ngc8t8YarPAfF7vJvaDXj268EO_kyvFXAfwXtH07Xklz_)。动机是道德行为的直接动因,反映行为过程的主观方面,它是道德意识的重要内容,包含着对道德理想、道德原则和规范以及人生目的的认识,是道德行为的基本动因或出发点。动机在人们道德行为选择和道德评价中有着十分重要的作用。它的正确与否直接规定和影响着人们的行为方向。良好的动机,能够帮助人们从道德上认识到自己对社会、集体和他人所负的责任,从而作出有益的、高尚的道德行为。相反,不良的动机,能使人作出对社会、集体和他人有害的、卑劣的行为。在道德评价中,分析和确定行为的动机是对行为作出公正、恰当评价的关键因素。效果是道德行为的后果,反映行为过程的客观方面,它是由动机引起的行为实践及其客观结果。在伦理学上,效果不仅指预期目的的实现,也包括行为活动和影响。行为虽由动机驱使,但只有转化为相应的效果,才能够完成动机的作用。效果既是判断动机好坏的标志,又是转化为新动机的前提(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=PpzjI3q3auk03id4nwFPEFv3SRKfXZX2KP0K-SL82Ngc8t8YarPAfF7vJvaDXj268EO_kyvFXAfwXtH07Xklz_)。关于动机和效果二者之间的关系,中外伦理思想史上,曾有过动机论和效果论的长期争论。马克思主义认为,动机和效果是密切联系的,要想作出正确的道德评价,就必须把它们有机地统一起来。




1. 这些理论分析又多为对经济学家观点的概括。诸如“资本”、“资本的利润”、“资本对劳动的统治和资本家(der Kapitalist)的动机”以及“资本的积累和资本家之间的竞争”等,这四个题目虽然差强人意,可是他却没有进行深入的研究和分析。因为,当马克思没有认识到资本是一种历史性的社会生产关系时,他就无法根本超越资产阶级经济学的意识形态视界的藩篱。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:211-212

1. The majority of this theoretical analysis is summary of the viewpoints of various economists. Though he mentions concepts such as “capital,” “the profit of capital,” “the rule of capital over labor and the motives of capitalists (der Kapitalist),” and “the accumulation of capitals and the competition between capitalists,” etc., he does not delve into a deeper study and analysis of these subjects. This is because as long as Marx did not comprehend that capital was a historical social relation, he would be unable to break out of the restrictions of the ideological views of bourgeois economics. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 158.

2. 动机是从事物产生的,从周围的环境产生的,不是从空洞无聊的语言中产生的。语言之所以有用是因为它能够传达并给人以关于这些事物和环境的知识。如果这些东西根本不存在,语言就仅仅是一种欺骗。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:351-352

2. Motives arise from things, from surrounding circumstances, not from the idleness of words and empty declamation. Words are only useful to convey and impress a knowledge of these things and circumstances. If these states of things do not exist, words are a mere mockery. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 271.

3. 幽灵不仅仅是灵魂,鬼魂,回过来不合时宜地召唤我们继承遗产的东西,而且还是非死非生、非真非假、把鬼魂的维度重新引入政治的东西,它还帮助我们理解现时公众空间、媒介、交流等等的结构。这是我的论著的一个主要动机之一。这个幽灵性的范畴在书中多处可见,因此是这部论著的一条主线。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2004:289

3. A specter is not just a soul or ghost who ultimately turns back and summons us to inherit the legacy. It is neither life nor death, neither true nor false; it re-introduces the ghost dimension to politics and helps us understand the current public space, media, exchange and other structures. This is one of my major motive in writing this book. The conception of spectality dots the text, therefore, it is a mainline of this book. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 381.


例句 1:
How can we make correct moral evaluation to behavior? It is insufficient to simply start with the way of dealing with the puzzle of the motive and effect, or with the ends and means. 

例句 2:
Because there are some conflicts between science and technology development and person’s social responsibility, also motive and effect of knowledge achievements’ application, science and technology development has negative influence on person’s development to a certain extent.

例句 3:
In the end, this paper will analyze the tension created by the moral philosophy of emotionalist ethics and utilitarianism in Hume’s conception of virtue and its influence upon subsequent philosophers.





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