字词 | 利他主义 |
释义 | 利他主义【英】altruism译文来源Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 18) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1978: 322. 定义利他主义指为他人的利益而牺牲自己的利益或者以利己为目的以利他为手段的道德原则,与利己主义相对。利他主义要求一个人抑制自己的利己之心,主张行为上的利他。利他主义把社会关系归结为个别人之间的关系,并强调人在本质上具有天然的利己之心,人与人存在着利益的对立,主张通过利他主义的宣传和教育来约束和克服这种利己心,调整人与人之间的利益关系。最早提出这一术语并用于道德理论的是19世纪法国哲学家和社会学家孔德,后被英国实证主义哲学家斯宾塞采用并发挥。“孔德认为,社会生活的渊源是社会冲动,人类既有利己的冲动,又有利他的冲动,而道德就是以利他的感情控制自利的本能,用利他主义约束利己主义。但孔德又认为,没有利己心社会就无法存在。这表现出资产阶级上升时期的思想倾向”(王建民,1991:274)。实际上利他主义在资本主义社会只是一种私人的慈善事业,是个人给予别人的一种施舍和帮助。而在社会主义社会,人与人之间关系已发生根本改变,不同于资本主义社会,要从集体主义的角度去理解利他主义,使其具有新的内涵。在社会主义条件下,利他主义主要指那种把社会、集体和他人利益摆在首位的进步思想观点,反对以自我利益为中心和损害他人利益的不良行为。利他主义具有适应社会主义社会人际关系的新意义,它作为社会主义道德中集体主义原则的重要组成部分,表现为助人为乐,互相帮助的人际关系和道德行为(《新编哲学大辞典》编委会,1991:459)。 定义来源[1] 王建民.政治工作大词典[Z].军事科学出版社,1991. 例句1. 谁都知道,每个人在国外看到的是他想看到的东西。或者说,每个人在新的环境中看到的是自己本身。黑帮分子在国外看到的是最好的地主、将军和外交官。密探在那里看到的是最高尚的警官。俄国的这位自由派叛徒在巴黎看到的是心地善良的女看门人和“能干的”店铺掌柜,他们教导俄国革命家说,他们的“人道主义和利他主义的情感已经把个人要求过分压抑下去,并且往往使我们全国的普遍进步和文化发展受到损失”。——《列宁全集(第二十二卷)》,1990:96 1. It is known that everyone sees abroad what he chooses to. Or, in other words, everyone sees in new conditions his own self. A member of the Black Hundreds sees abroad splendid landlords, generals and diplomats. A secret police agent sees there the noblest policemen. A liberal Russian renegade sees in Paris well-meaning concierges and “efficient” shopkeepers who teach the Russian revolutionary that among them “humanitarian and altruistic sentiments had too much suppressed personal requirements, often to the detriment of the general progress and cultural advancement of the whole of our country”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 18), 1978: 317. 2. 那些愿意象《路标》文集一样,用那套把“个人主义”同“利他主义”等等对立起来的说法提出问题的人,把问题弄模糊了。这些说法的政治含义再清楚不过了,那就是要转到反对民主派的方面去,转到反革命的自由派方面去。应该了解,这种转变不是偶然的,而是资产阶级的阶级地位所决定的。应该由此作出必要的政治结论,划清民主派和自由派的界限。不懂得这些道理,不向大多数居民广泛宣传这些道理,就根本不能真正前进一步。——《列宁全集(第二十二卷)》,1990:102 2. The issue is obscured by those who are willing to present it à la Velchi, in terms of contrasting “individualism” with “altruism”, and so on. The political meaning of these phrases could not be clearer-they are a volte-face against democracy, a volte-face in favour of counter-revolutionary liberalism. We must realise that this volte-face is no accident, but a result of the class position of the bourgeoisie. And we must draw from this the necessary political conclusions as regards the clear demarcation of democracy from liberalism. Unless we are aware of these realities, and unless we bring them home to the mass of the population, there can be no question of any real step forward. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 18), 1978: 322. 3. 所以当去年瓦·沃先生想说村社能培养人民从事一致的活动,村社是利他主义情感的泉源等等的时候,甚至米海洛夫斯基先生也感到惭愧,羞答答地责备瓦·沃先生说:“没有一项研究能证明我国村社同利他主义是有联系的。”的确,没有这种研究。可是说也奇怪,有一个时候,人们没有作任何研究也相信了这一点,并且是真心实意地相信了这一点。——《列宁全集(第一卷)》,1984:221 3. So utterly, that when Mr. V. V. tried to argue last year that the village community trains the people to common effort and is a centre of altruistic sentiments, etc., even Mr. Mikhailovsky’s conscience was pricked and he shamefacedly began to lecture Mr. V. V. and to point out that “no investigation has shown a connection between our village community and altruism.” And, indeed, no investigation has. Yet there was a time when people had faith, implicit faith, without making any investigation. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1977: 264. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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