字词 | 水平合并 (又作水平整合) |
释义 | 水平合并 (又作水平整合)【英】horizontal integration译文来源Horizontal Integration. via: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/h/horizontalintegration.asp 定义水平合并指在同一市场上提供同种商品或服务的企业间的合并。生产和销售相同或相似产品、或经营相同或相似业务、提供相同劳务的企业间的合并,如美国波音飞机制造公司与麦道飞机制造公司的合并,法国雷诺汽车制造公司与瑞典伏尔伏汽车制造公司的合并,均属横向合并。横向合并的主要目的是把一些规模较小的企业联合起来,组成企业集团,实现规模效益;或利用现有生产设备,增加产量,提高市场占有率,与其他企业(或企业集团)相抗衡。从整个国家看,过度的横向合并会削弱企业间的竞争,甚至会造成少数企业垄断市场的局面,牺牲市场经济的效率。因此,在一些市场经济高度发达的国家,政府往往制订有反托拉斯法规,以限制横向合并的蔓延(余秉坚,1999:167)。 定义来源[1] 余秉坚.中国会计百科全书[M].辽宁人民出版社,1999. 例句1. 时机选择得很适当。在那不勒斯,近卫军的上尉和瑞士的雇佣兵已经把年轻的自由淹没在人民的血泊中。在法国,资本家会议用残酷的法律来制服共和国,并任命2月23日在基佐家中下令开火的佩罗将军为文森要塞的司令。在英国和爱尔兰,宪章派和合并取消派被大批地投入监狱,手无寸铁的人们的集会被龙骑兵驱散。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第五卷)》,1958: 66 1. The moment is well chosen In Naples guard lieutenants and Swiss mercenaries have succeeded in drowning the young liberty in the people's blood.c In France, an Assembly of capitalists fetters the Republic by means of Draconic laws and appoints General Perrot, who ordered the shooting at the Hôtel Guizot on February 23, commandant of Vincennes. In England and Ireland masses of Chartists and Repealers are thrown into gaol and unarmed meetings are dispersed by dragoons. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 7), 1977: 68. 2. 在这里,我想做几点界定:一是蒲鲁东的这些近似社会唯物主义的观点(不是历史唯物主义)并不是他自己的理论独创,而是他接受政治经济学影响的一种必然结果。但他的这些论点,无论是研究方法还是基本逻辑,都远在古典经济学所达到的水平之下;二是这些论点在蒲鲁东的早期论著中并不是一种总体性的理论逻辑原则,此时他的理论话语主要是政治法权逻辑;三是这些社会唯物主义的观点也不是外在地影响青年马克思的主要方面,马克思此时关心的恰恰是蒲鲁东对资产阶级社会的政治法权批判。—— 《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009: 98 2. At this point, I would like to clarify several points. First, Proudhon’s views on property that approach social materialism (but not historical materialism) are not his independent theoretical creations, but rather the inevitable result of the influence of political economy. Nevertheless, his arguments, whether in terms of methodology or fundamental logic, are all far below the level reached by classical economics. Second, Proudhon’s exposition of his views on property in his early books is not a comprehensive principle of theoretical logic; rather, his theoretical discourse at this point in time is primarily centered on the logic of political rights. Third, these social materialist views were not the primary arguments that externally influenced young Marx; at this time, Marx was also more concerned with Proudhon’s criticism political rights in bourgeois society. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 64. 网络参考例句例句1: |
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