

字词 文化环境


the cultural climate; the cultural circumstances; the cultural environment


[1] Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. London: Routledge, 2001: 67.
[2] Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. London: Routledge, 2001: 115.
[3] Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics [M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1968: 150.




[1] 文化环境.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=RLJGTYaqkMlC93XWoDO-_jsUDJnyF40hu1To34o_7WOIxGXktnJ5CIyoFQz8QCVbEr2tw9DowtenKMBeLuTSb8chr1fgRleZOHowSYQ3Q-kSpLf4jEp_VFpiy_2diRh2.
[2] 彭克宏,马国泉.社会科学大词典[Z].中国国际广播出版社,1989.


1. 拉尔夫·米利班德(Ralph Miliband)是一个恰当的例子。尽管文化环境已经改变,但是他仍然重申马克思主义的正确性。在 1989年的一本著作中(《分裂的社会》),我们发现他坚信传统马克思主义所构想的阶级斗争仍然是发达资本主义国家的定义性特征。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:105

1. Ralph Miliband provides a case in point where the Marxist verities are restated despite the changing cultural climate. Writing in 1989 (Divided Societies), we find him adamant that class struggle, conceived in fairly conventional Marxist terms, is still the defining feature of the leading capitalist countries. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 67.

2. 德里达的后马克思主义利用之前的马克思主义思想危机,论证马克思主义不应当是一种静止的思想体系——无法适应变化的文化环境,甚至无法适应作为一种文化范式的多元主义的降临。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:181

2. Derrida’s post-Marxism draws on previous crises in Marxist thought to make its point that Marxism should not be regarded as a static system of thought, incapable of adaptation to changing cultural circumstances—or even to the advent of pluralism as a cultural paradigm. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 115.

3. 例如李凯尔特,他的这种历史观具有最发展的、思想上最精致的形式,他这样谈到过研究“自己的文化环境(Kulturkreis)”的历史学家:“如果历史学家基于对他所隶属的集体(Gemeinschaft)的价值的考虑,来构造他的概念,那末他的描述的客观性将完全能依赖于实际材料的正确性,同时究竟是过去的这个事件,还是那个事件才是主要的这样一个问题就根本不会出现。”——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:230

3. Thus to take this view of history at its most developed and most highly articulated we may consider Rickert’s arguments with regard to the historian who studies “his own cultural environment”. He claims that: "If the historian forms his concepts with an eye on the values of the community to which he himself belongs, the objectivity of his presentation will depend entirely on the accuracy of his factual material, and the question of whether this or that event in the past is crucial will not even arise. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: 150.


例句 1:
The phenomenon of widowed mother educate orphan was produced by this cultural environment.

例句 2:
The active reasons include cultural environment and adolescent characteristics.

例句 3:
For the purpose of effectively preventing these crimes from happening, the study on juvenile gang crimes should be paid more attention and some measures should be adopted i.e., to provide juvenile and their family with support; to define teachers’ instructive punishment power in form of legislation; to rectify violent information and messages in the cultural environment; to strengthen management on entertainment places in communities; to prevent gangs from invading communities and campuses; to persuade juvenile to break away from bad gangs.





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