字词 | 判断的辩证本性 |
释义 | 判断的辩证本性 【英】dialectical nature of judgment译文来源金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:1081. 定义判断的辩证本性是指判断组成部分间既对立又统一的相互联系和转化的特性,它是客观事物的内在矛盾性在思维中的反映(金炳华等,2001:1081)。判断作为概念的内在矛盾的分化和展开,在其自身中也就包含着概念所固有的一切内在矛盾。即使最简单的判断,如“树叶是绿的”就已经包含着个别与一般、现象本质、偶然与必然的对立统一。正因如此,列宁指出:“在任何一个命题中,很象在一个‘单位’(‘细胞’)中一样,都可以(而且应当)发现辩证法一切要素的胚芽。这就表明辩证法本来是人类的全部认识所固有的”(列宁,1990:308)。这就是说,辩证法是为任何一个判断所固有的。恩格斯在《自然辩证法》一书中谈到判断的辩证本性时曾指出:“同一性自身中包含着差异,这一事实在每一个命题中都表现出来,因为在命题中谓词必须不同于主词。百合花是一种植物,玫瑰花是红的。这里不论是在主词中还是在谓词中,总有点什么东西是谓词或主词所涵盖不了的……。与自身的同一,从一开始就必须有与一切他物的差异作为补充,这是不言而喻的”(马克思等,2012:914)。此外,他也指出:“同一和差异——必然性和偶然性——原因和结果——这是两个主要的对立,当它们被分开来考察时,都互相转化”(马克思等,2012:913)。列宁在《谈谈辩证法问题》中指出:“一般辩证法的阐述(以及研究)方法也应当如此(……)。从最简单、最普通、最常见的等等东西开始;从任何一个命题开始,如树叶是绿的,伊万是人,茹卡奇是狗等等。在这里(正如黑格尔天才地指出过的)就已经有辩证法:个别就是一般”(列宁,1990:307)。 定义来源[1]金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001. 例句1. 只过了三年,迈尔就能够(至少在实质上)把反省判断提高到它现在还起着作用的阶段:在每一情况的特定条件下,任何一种运动形式都能够而且不得不直接或间接地转变为其他任何运动形式。这是概念的判断,并且是必然判断——判断的最高形式。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:567-568 1. Only three years later, Mayer was able, at least in substance, to raise the judgment of subsumption to the level at which it now stands: any form of motion, under conditions fixed for each case, is both able and compelled to undergo transformation, directly or indirectly, into any other form of motion—a judgment of the notion, and moreover an apodeictic one, the highest form of judgment altogether. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 505. 2. 二,在1877年,米海洛夫斯基先生以维护“热血志士”(即革命社会主义者)马克思不受自由派批评家的攻击为己任,而且是那样专心致志,竟没有发觉马克思的方法和他自己的方法互不相容。可是有人向他说明了辩证唯物主义和主观社会学之间的这个不可调和的矛盾——恩格斯的文章和书就说明了这点。——《列宁全集(第一卷)》,1984:145 2. Secondly, in 1877 Mr. Mikhailovsky was so engrossed in his task of defending the “sanguine” (i.e., revolutionary socialist) Marx from the liberal critics that he failed to observe the incompatibility of Marx’s method and his own. And then this irreconcilable contradiction between dialectical materialism and subjective sociology was explained to him—explained by Engels’ articles and books, -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1977: 181. 3. 黑格尔的体系作为体系来说,是一次巨大的流产,但也是这类流产中的最后一次。它还包含着不可救药的内在矛盾:一方面,它以历史的观点作为基本前提,即把人类的历史看做一个发展过程,这个过程按其本性来说是不能通过发现所谓绝对真理来达到其智慧的顶峰的;但是另一方面,它又硬说自己是这个绝对真理的全部内容。包罗万象的、最终完成的关于自然和历史的认识的体系是和辩证思维的基本规律相矛盾的;但是这决不排斥,反而肯定,对于整个外部世界的有系统的认识是可以一代一代地得到巨大进展的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十九卷)》, 1963:224 3. The Hegelian system, in itself, was a colossal miscarriage—but it was also the last of its kind. It was suffering, in fact, from an internal and incurable contradiction. Upon the one hand, its essential proposition was the conception that human history is a process of evolution, which, by its very nature, cannot find its intellectual final term in the discovery of any so-called absolute truth. But, on the other hand, it laid claim to being the very essence of this absolute truth. A system of natural and historical knowledge, embracing everything, and final for all time, is a contradiction to the fundamental law of dialectic reasoning. This law, indeed, by no means excludes, but, on the contrary, includes the idea that the systematic knowledge of the external universe can make giant strides from age to age. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 24), 1989: 303. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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