

字词 创新




[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:413.
[2] Innovation. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Innovation


“创新是指以现有的思维模式提出有别于常规或常人思路的见解为导向,利用现有的知识和物质,在特定的环境中,本着理想化需要或为满足社会需求,而改进或创造新的事物、方法、元素、路径、环境,并能获得一定有益效果的行为”。 创新来源于拉丁语,它有三层含义:更新、创造新的东西和改变。在哲学上,创新是指人的实践行为,是人类对于发现的再创造,是对于物质世界矛盾的利用再创造。哲学上的创新有五个方面的内涵:一、创新是物质的发展。创新就是创造对于实践范畴的新事物。二、创新的核心是矛盾。三、人是自我创新的结果。创新就是人的自我否定性发展。四、创新是人自我发展的基本路径。创新是对于重复、简单方式的否定,是对于人类实践范畴的超越。五、认识论认为创新是自我意识的发展。创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力,也是一个政党永葆生机的源泉,这是江泽民同志总结20世纪世界各国政党,特别是共产党兴衰成败的历史经验和教训得出的科学结论(创新. via:


创新. via:


1. 我们要依托论坛支点,不断开拓创新。论坛的生命力在于创新。我们双方要运用新思路、推出新举措、创建新机制,努力破解务实合作遇到的各种难题,以改革创新精神打破现实瓶颈、释放合作潜能。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:318-319

1. We should take the Forum as a lever to forge ahead with innovation. Innovation constitutes the lifeblood of the Forum. The two sides need to adopt new ideas, new measures, and new mechanisms in a bid to resolve the difficulties that we encounter in pragmatic cooperation, and clear practical bottlenecks and unlock potential for cooperation through a spirit of reform and innovation. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 351.

2. 改革开放是坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的必由之路,所以必须始终把改革创新精神贯彻到治国理政各个环节,不断推进我国社会主义制度自我完善和发展。公平正义是中国特色社会主义的内在要求,所以必须在全体人民共同奋斗、经济社会发展的基础上,加紧建设对保障社会公平正义具有重大作用的制度,逐步建立社会公平保障体系。——《习近平谈治国理政》:13

2. Reform and opening up is the only way leading to Chinese socialism—this is why we must always apply the spirit of reform and innovation to all aspects of governance, and continuously promote the self-improvement and development of China’s socialist system. Fairness and justice are inherent requirements of Chinese socialism—this is why we must, relying on the concerted efforts of all the Chinese people and based on economic and social development, double our efforts to develop institutions that are vital to ensuring social fairness and justice, and establish in due course a system for guaranteeing social equity. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 13-14.

3. 强化创新引领作用,为发展注入强大动力。创新是引领发展的第一动力,必须摆在国家发展全局的核心位置,深入实施创新驱动发展战略。启动一批新的国家重大科技项目,建设一批高水平的国家科学中心和技术创新中心,培育壮大一批有国际竞争力的创新型领军企业持续推动大众创业、万众创新。——《2016政府工作报告》

3. We should ensure that innovation better drives and energize development. Innovation is the primary driving force for development and must occupy a central place in China’s development strategy, which is why we must implement a strategy of innovation-driven development. We should launch new national science and technology programs, build first-class national science centers and technological innovation hubs, and help develop internationally competitive high-innovation enterprises. We should make consistent efforts to encourage the public to start businesses and make innovations. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government 2016.


例句 1:
Technology progress is the result of technology innovation or technology introduction, and is reflected through promotion of the total factor productivity.

例句 2:
In the internet economy, the ability of net work innovation is more important than the ability of single enterprise. 

例句 3:
Public policy innovation capability refers to the combination of government policies, resources and factors, and thus ensures the smooth development of public policy innovation activities in order to adapt to environmental changes and practical challenges of effectiveness and energy.





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