

字词 资本的循环


circulation of capital; capital’s circulation; the circular movement of capital; the circuit of capital


[1] Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 420.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 36) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1997: 31.
[3] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 36) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1997: 40.




[1] 刘树成.现代经济词典[Z].凤凰出版社,2005.
[2] 马克思,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯全集(第二十四卷)[M].人民出版社,1972.
[3] 资本循环.via:


1. 当马克思在描述资本之疯狂的自我增殖循环时——资本唯、我论的自我受精路径在今天对未来的元反思思索中达到了顶峰——人们不能单纯化地认为:这种不顾任何人类或环境事实而追求其路径的自生怪物幽灵是一个意识形态抽象(ideological abstraction),人们永远不该忘记在这种抽象的背后隐藏着的是真正的人类和自然的目标,资本循环依赖于他们的生产能力和资源,它像个巨大的寄生虫一样以此为生。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:321

1. When Marx describes the mad self-enhancing circulation of Capital, whose solipsistic path of self-fecundation reaches its apogee in today's meta-reflexive speculations on futures, it is far too simplistic to claim that the spectre of this self-engendering monster that pursues its path regardless of any human or environmental concern is an ideological abstraction, and that one should never forget that behind this abstraction there are real people and natural objects on whose productive capacities and resources Capital’s circulation is based, and on which it feeds like a gigantic parasite. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 420.

2. 资本的循环过程经过三个阶段;根据第一卷的叙述,这些阶段形成如下的序列:第一阶段:资本家作为买者出现于商品市场和劳动市场;他的货币转化为商品,或者说,完成G—W这个流通行为。第二阶段:资本家用购买的商品从事生产消费。他作为资本主义商品生产者进行活动;他的资本完成生产过程。结果产生了一种商品,这种商品的价值大于它的生产要素的价值。第三阶段:资本家作为卖者回到市场;他的商品转化为货币,或者说,完成W—G这个流通行为。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十四卷)》,1972: 31

2. The circular movement of capital takes place in three stages, which, according to the presentation in Volume I, form the following series:First stage: The capitalist appears as a buyer on the commodity and the labour market; his money is transformed into commodities, or it goes through the circulation act M - C.Second stage: Productive consumption of the purchased commodities by the capitalist. He acts as a capitalist producer of commodities; his capital passes through the process of production. The result is a commodity of more value than that of the elements entering into its production.Third stage: The capitalist returns to the market as a seller; his commodities are turned into money, or they pass through the circulation act C - M. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 36), 1997: 31.

3. 我们已经知道,资本主义生产不仅生产商品和剩余价值;它还再生产并且以越来越大的规模再生产雇佣工人阶级,把绝大多数直接生产者变为雇佣工人。因此,既然实现G—W …P…W’ —G’ 这一过程的首要前提是雇佣工人阶级的经常存在,所以,这个公式已经包含生产资本形式的资本,从而也包含生产资本的循环的形式。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十四卷)》,1972: 41

3. We have seen that capitalist production does not only create commodities and surplus value, but also reproduces to an ever increasing extent the class of wage labourers, into whom it transforms the vast majority of direct producers. Since the first condition for its realisation is the permanent existence of a class of wage labourers, M - C ... P ... C’- M’ presupposes a capital in the form of productive capital, and hence the form of the circuit of productive capital. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 36), 1997: 40.


例句 1:
In the second volume of Das Kapital, Marx analyzes the circulation process of capital comprehensively, profoundly reveals the conditions for continuous cycle of single capital, the meanings of capital turnover rate, and the process and conditions for the realization of social total capital. This paper adopts the analysis framework of Marxist theory on capital circulation process and combines Marx’ s theory of state to examine the specific ways for a bourgeois state government to participate in the process of capital cycling and turnover based on the combination of theory and reality, and it gets the conclusions that the government need to make capital cycling and turnover smooth through the intervention on market so as to achieve the goal of enabling capital to get the maximum surplus value.

例句 2:
CIF’s rotation of capital represents unity of three process,





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