

字词 农村包围城市


to encircle the city with the country


McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 225.


以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人在领导革命实践中逐步摸索出来的一条具有中国特色的发展道路和总战略。其基本内容是,中国民主革命首先在敌人统治力量比较薄弱的农村,发动农民武装起义,建立人民军队,建立革命根据地,把武装斗争、土地革命、建立政权结合起来,使之建成支持长期革命战争的战略基地。依托根据地积累发展革命力量,随着革命战争、人民武装和根据地的发展,逐步造成农村包围城市的战略态势,最后夺取全国胜利。1926年,毛泽东认识到“农民问题乃国民革命的中心问题”(毛泽东,1993:37)。1927年,他又提出了建立农民武装和农村政权、“一切权力归农会”的思想(毛泽东,1991:4),解决了工农联盟问题。当革命处在危机关头,他及时提出了“恢复工作,拿起武器,山区的上山,滨湖的上船,坚决与敌人作斗争,武装保卫革命”的正确主张(陈志凌,1981:274)。秋收起义以前,毛泽东对武装斗争、土地革命、根据地建设等重大问题已有深刻的认识。秋收起义爆发后,由于敌我力量相差悬殊,毛泽东认识到在自己力量薄弱的情况下进攻大城市是不行的,必须把部队转移到乡村。这次转移是由城市到农村的历史转折点,是农村包围城市革命道路的开端。1928年10月,毛泽东写成《红色政权为什么能够存在》一文,“农村包围城市道路”的理论初步形成。1930年1月,毛泽东写了《星星之火,可以燎原》 一文,全面系统地阐述了“农村包围城市道路”的革命理论。归纳起来主要有三个方面:第一,对“城市中心论”进行了更彻底更深刻的批判。第二,“工农武装割据”是半殖民地中国在无产阶级领导之下的农民斗争的最高形式,是在半殖民地国家农民斗争发展的必然结果,并且无疑义地是促进全国革命高潮的最重要因素。第三,对革命前途充满了信心,预料革命高潮快要到来。




1. 1929 年,在接连几次武装起义失败之后,当时以李立三为鼓动性灵魂的中央委员会命令毛泽东解散其部队,理由是,城市仍然有望成为革命的信号弹,而红军所要做的无非是在农村发动群众以支援城市无产阶级。按照李立三的观点,城市是统治阶级的大脑和心脏,农村则不过是四肢而己,攻击四肢就太不积极了,心脏才是关键。因此,所有“以农村包围城市”或者“依靠红军取得城市的说法都是奇谈怪论”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:215-216

1. In 1929, following the failures of the armed uprisings, the Central Committee, on which Li Li-san was the moving spirit, ordered Mao to split up his forces, as the cities were still expected to give the signal for revolution while the Red Army should simply prepare the masses in the countryside to support the proletariat. According to Li Li-san, the cities were the brains and heart of the ruling class while the villages were only the limbs. To attack the limbs was not radical enough: the heart was what mattered. Thus, all the talk of ‘encircling the city with the country’ or of ‘relying on the Red Army to take the cities is sheer nonsense’. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 225.


例句 1:
Rural areas surrounding the city and the seizure of power by armed force refer to party transferred work under semi-colonial, semi-feudal state and the situation of persevering, it realizes the transformation from the city to the rural areas. At the same time, we carry out armed struggle, deep the agrarian revolution, establish base in rural areas and gradually expand, in order to form the city surrounded, finally seized power. It is a unique creation of Comrade by Mao Zedong’s Chinese armed struggle of the road, it is the guiding Chinese revolutionary Mao Zedong’s victory total strategy. This theory is based on the way the Chinese Communists represented by Mao Zedong as the courage to explore the practice of the Chinese revolution, struggle, constantly summed up.

例句 2:
Mao Zedong Thought is an important production in which the Way of Besieging Cities with Countryside is the important part of Mao Zedong.

例句 3:





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