

字词 董事会


the board; the board of directors


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975:356.


董事会是以股东财富的最大化为目标的公司经营决策机构,由董事组成、对内掌管公司事务、对外代表公司。公司董事会由股东会选举组成,董事会设董事长一人,副董事长一人,董事长、副董事长由董事会选举产生。董事任期三年,任期届满,可连选连任。董事在任期届满前,股东会不得无故解除其职务(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=G7PPp_gQvLSVJQR_P2HFok-O8hRUEA_JFeuYd_1-KUMQCArO-HaGMypSKriZxWT3XDR2P1CrkEfwK2Rzr1xj9iTy2HE4S1UUN7wkMBKzJPe - 11)。从其性质来看,董事会是一种信任托管机构,属于解决代理问题的制度安排。董事会与股东大会都行使公司所拥有的全部职权,但董事会所作的决议必须符合股东大会决议,如有冲突,要以股东大会决议为准;股东大会可以否决董事会决议,直至改组、解散董事会。董事会的职责包括,负责公司或企业和业务经营活动的指挥与管理,对公司股东会或企业股东大会负责并报告工作。同时,股东会或职工股东大会所作的重大决定,董事会必须执行(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=G7PPp_gQvLSVJQR_P2HFok-O8hRUEA_JFeuYd_1-KUMQCArO-HaGMypSKriZxWT3XDR2P1CrkEfwK2Rzr1xj9iTy2HE4S1UUN7wkMBKzJPe - 11)。根据董事会功能,可将董事会分成以下四种类型:底限董事会,即仅仅为了满足法律上的程序要求而存在的董事会;形式董事会,即仅具有象征性或名义上的作用的董事会;监督董事会,即履行检查计划、政策、战略的制订、执行情况,评价经理人员的业绩等职责的董事会;决策董事会,即参与公司战略目标、计划的制订,并在授权经理人员实施公司战略的时候按照自身的偏好进行干预的董事会。


via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=G7PPp_gQvLSVJQR_P2HFok-O8hRUEA_JFeuYd_1-KUMQCArO-HaGMypSKriZxWT3XDR2P1CrkEfwK2Rzr1xj9iTy2HE4S1UUN7wkMBKzJPe - 11


1. 如果一个铁路董事会只是在股东们付款并取得红利的范围内关心股东们,那末这位柏林的教书匠就会天真地做出结论说:股东们“在董事会面前是无,正如我们在上帝面前都是罪人一样”。桑乔从国家在私有者面前的无能为力证明了所有者在国家面前的无能为力和他自己在这二者面前的无能为力。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1960:412

1. Because the board of a railway is concerned about its shareholders only insofar as they make their payments and receive their dividends, the Berlin school-master in his innocence concludes that the shareholders are “nothing in face of the board just as we are all sinners in the face of God”. On the basis of the impotence of the state in face of the activities of private property-owners Sancho proves the impotence of private property-owners in face of the state and his own impotence in face of both. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 356.

2. 根据这种观点,每个人只有在他“挺身担当”铁路董事会的“我”的时候才能握有铁路的股票,这就是说,只有作为圣者,他才能握有铁路股票。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1960:413

2. From this point of view, a person possesses a railway share only so long as he “bears within himself” the “ego” of the board; consequently it is only as a saint that one can possess a railway share. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 357.

3. 或许把第5条改成这样:授予作为董事长的施泰因贝格单独决定一切的权力,而董事会中的多数只有了解一切和向我们申诉施泰因贝格活动的权力,但不能中止施泰因贝格的活动(就是说,在形式上,三比二的多数保留撤销施泰因贝格的决定的权力,而我们将对施泰因贝格说,没有劳动国防委员会的特别决定我们不会撤销他的决定)。——《列宁全集(第四十二卷)》,1987:385

3. Perhaps §5 should be amended as follows: Steinberg, as representative, be empowered to decide everything alone, while the majority of the board should have the right to know everything and to complain to us about Steinberg’s acts, without suspending them (i.e., the majority of three against two will nominally retain the right to reverse Steinberg’s decisions, but we shall tell him that we shall not reverse anything without a special C.L.D. decision). -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 45), 1976: 437.


例句 1:
The results show that while the corporate governance is defective, independent directors’ opinions are less effective, independent directors’ absent number is higher, and the quality of listed companies’ financial statements would be poorer. 

例句 2:
The effectiveness and independence of the board of directors directly relate to the interests of shareholders and companies, which is one of the core issues of corporate governance.

例句 3:
Company secretary system is a system unique to corporate law of the common law countries, the earliest case the practice originated in the United Kingdom.





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